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[EM / RP News] The Machine of Discord: Clash in Ver Lor Reg


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Clash in Ver Lor Reg

Tonight, Britannian mercenaries and hunters gathered at the behest of Callie, the Treasure Hunter some contend is responsible for the recent chaos in the Dark Core.

Led to the deserts of Ilshenar, adventurers encountered a land that was overrun with mechanical and technological abominations, including the aforementioned Exodus Minion Lord. They fought their way into the besieged metropolis to discover evacuations had begun, while Gargish sentinels were locked in a melee with Exodus' children.

In an laughable episode in the midst of the confusion, Queen Zhah appeared. The Gargish monarch, who had failed to muster support from her people during the anti-Gargish Campaign and the final stand against Scelestus, appeared without an escort, claiming to have anticipated there would be no danger waiting for her. It was then that Vraal, representative of the Gargish High Council, appeared, and welcomed the two parties.

Zhah offered her condolences to the Councilor, and informed him that Ter Mur would offer the Gargish Ilshenari sanctuary in the void-devoured land. She told him that healers and rations would be awaiting them at the moongate, along with other refugees. She ordered the humans to clear a path for evacuations, before departing.

Vraal, tired and looking grim, offered to take a roster naming those individuals who participated in the battle, promising that Ver Lor Reg would forever remember those who fought in its name.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Posted to the Golden Brew Tavern:

James the Animal Tamer
May 18th, 2012 at 6:14 PM
A rather ragtag band responded to Callie’s request. This group comprised humans, elves, hiumophile gargoyles, Handalf, and a few others. Callie explained that she was interested in … something … within Exodus.

Callie opened a suspicious magical gate which led to the desert outside Ver Lor Reg — suspicious because most of Ilshenar is dead to gate magic. The band of Sosarian irregulars stepped through and was met by a veritable army of Exodus attendant machines and wingless gargoyles.

Callie slipped away during the confusion of combat.

We fought toward the city,and then fought within the city which was infested with all manner of Exodus minion and overseer machines including the new larger “minion lords.” Some of these machines were very durable; others were very fast, so there was quite a bit of resistance.

During a lull in the battle, Lord Grand Administrator Zhah (“Queen Zhah”) appeared, and parleyed with her Ver Lor Reg equivalent, Vraal. Both spoke passably good vernacular English, probably out of respect for the hearing of the Sosarian irregular defenders. Zhah offered sanctuary in Ter Mur to the gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg. Vraal accepted.

Vraal urged the Sosarians to continue to combat the machines of Exodus. When the fighting was all through, she took down the names of the Sosarians.


In all the confusion, we forgot about Callie’s mission. The bulk of the group did not go into Exodus itself, and I daresay I did not see Callie after the initial confusion in the desert.

I am left with these questions:

Did Callie really mean to lead us into an ambush?

Where did Callie go?

Will Ver Lor Reg be abandoned? Will it be taken over by Exodus? Or will the Meer or Juka claim the location?

Why are the Ver Lor Reg gargoyles so physically distinct from the Ter Murians and hiumophiles and Sosarian savage gargoyles? Are the Ter Murians underfed perhaps?

Why aren’t there wingless gargoyles farming in Ter Mur and the Holy City? If Ter Mur can absorb refugees from Ver Lor Reg, surely there’s room for some productive wingless!