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[EM / RP News] Remember Remember the 5th of April: Gunpowder Plot Ends in Chaos


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gunpowder Plot Ends in Chaos

"While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of tru-."
- An Anarchist ...before being decapitated.​

Tonight - on the 5th of April - anarchists and demoniacs dissolutioned with the Britannian Government stormed the Capitol and managed to penetrate the defenses of the Queen's Castle before being routed.

Yet it all seems to have been one elaborate distraction. For even as Mercenaries and Britannian Soldiers clashed with rioters, a series of blasts ripped through the polis, uprooting the streets, immolating the innocent, topping the rioters and sending the armed combatants to their knees. It seems that more than a week ago, Kegs of Gunpowder destined for the pass of Central Ilshenar were stolen from Ver Lor Reg and smuggled into Britannia. The bridge to Castle Blackthorne was destroyed in the conflagration. The High Council was no where to be found.

The rioters were well armed and organized this time. Corpses litter the streets. Frightened merchants and aristocrats have begun to flee Britain for quieter and much less vulnerable estates. The poor, as usual, are left to fend for themselves until their feudal masters return to establish order.

Remember, Remember, the 5th of April. The gunpowder and treason plot. I know of no reason, the gunpowder treason, should ever be forgot.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

In UO2 the Exodus represented the Machine: absolute and totalitarian order.

When the sequel was cancelled - and that lore and art was imported to UO - Exodus became associated with Chaos and Disorder. Or did he?

Chaos is the antithesis of totalitarianism and best exemplified in the ideas of the Enlightenment: It was hedonistic. It was atheistic. It's ideas ranged from the democratic to the anarchic. (And in the end we discover that it was all one benevolent plot to oppose Lord British's principle - Order - and his scheme to sacrifice millions of Britannians to reunite the shards. That's not a criticism. That's the lore.) Yet the Philosopher of Chaos became jealous and turned his back on his own ideals in a bid to create a fascist superpower with himself at its head.

Which begs the question: Why are rioters and those who call for the toppling of the Britannian govenment - anarchists - assaulting the seat of Chaos? The last corporeal symbol of freedom and anarchy in Britannia. Why not Castle Britannia? Or the Chamber of Virtues? Was it a symbolic act? Were the rioters attempting to separate the monument from Britannia? Or is Exodus - who most believe to be responsible for the growing violence - attempting to punish Blackthorne's failure by wiping his memory from the land?

WarderDragon said:
The rioters were well armed and organized this time.
Compared to the previous raiders, these rioters wore pieces of armor and carried better weapons than before.

We know Ebon - the villain of the shard and "A Blacksmiths Journal" - had captured Ren of J'helom and had forced the forgemaster to begin building suits for a small army. Coincidence?