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EM Placed Player Memorials

EM Autolycus

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EM placed player memorials:

With the publish 66 there are two new ways to setup a player memorial.

1) Primeval Lich Champion drops 6 different styles of headstones. These can be engraved with the Statuette Engraving Tool and be locked down in your houses for a private memorial.

2) Players may request an EM placed memorial.

If you are interested in having a memorial placed to honor a player in a public place, please e-mail Autolycus ([email protected]) and Aname ([email protected]).

We will work with you to accommodate your request. The request will be sent to Mesanna for final approval.

Please be sure to include this information with the request:

1) Name of the player the memorial is for
2) Location you'd like the memorial to be placed at.
3) The memorial may have 5 lines of text entered.
A) Line 1
B) Line 2
C) Line 3
D) Line 4
E) Line 5
4) Any other decoration surrounding the memorial? (Flowers, plants, etc. Be modest)
5) The date you'd like this to be placed.
6) Any music you would like to accompany the memorial.

All requests of the above will be subject to approval.

Please be courteous and respectful with your requests. Any offensive or demeaning messages on the memorial will be denied.