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[EM News] Town Hall Meeting


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Town Hall Meeting
EM Godiva

Event: Town Hall Meeting.

Date: Sunday, February 12th 2012.

Time: 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 EST.

Location: EM Hall (Trammel).

Note: Felucca Representation is requested.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

- Due to time constraints, some of the programs under EM Seppo are to be discontinued.

- The High Lords of Britannia, the senate chosen to rule in the place of the Immortal Emperor Cantabrigian, is no longer an EM-sponsored program. It will be up to the current Senate, which includes Fern Goodfellow, Elladan, Ta'lin Birdsong, Fig, Wildstar and Magdalena to shape and continue the Britannian Government, or let it the realm descend into anarchism and civil war.

- The Town Guard of Britain is no longer an EM-sponsored program, and will return to being an RPC-driven Organization.

- Charlotte Christianson has announced her retirement from the High Lords Council.

- The Global and Shard Arcs have begun.

- The Global Arc, the Awakening, places emphasis on radicals, anarchism and the widespread disillusion with the Britannian government and its state-sponsored religion. See "Anarchists Storm Castle Britannia" and "Imperial Magnate of Vesper Arrested."

- Fiction associated with the Global Arc is dropping on Raiders. Other fiction can be found throughout the Kingdom of Trammel.

- There will be EM Events associated with and based on the Global Arc, which will occur predominately during the weekends.

- The Shard Arc, associated with the Healer of Vesper, has also begun. Classes will be held each Thursday, at 8:00 PM PST. Details here.

- There is no predetermined outcome associated with the Shard Arc, and Godiva hopes to base the outcomes on the RP that occurs during each event.

- The New Magincian Trading Co. Mining Night has moved to accomidate Lecture nights.

- The current EM Website, the Golden Brew Tavern, is to be discontinued. Seppo paid for the website with his own funds. Godiva will be transitioning to the same domain as the other EMs.

- She plans to transfer as much information from the Golden Brew site as possible.

- Godiva is interested in hearing what we want our characters to learn about in her Classes.