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[EM News] The Shadow Revealed: Royal Guard Aldritch Executed. Daemon Banished.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Royal Guard Aldritch Executed

The Royal Guard responsible for the murder of five Magincians – Joshua Aldritch Jenkins – has been killed.

The suspect – who had been bound to his location on Lenmir Anfinmotas the evening before – was confronted by a militia of Britannian and Magincian soldiers led by Captain Jenkins of the Royal Britannian Guard. Aldritch, who identified himself as the nephew of the sometimes controversial officer, seemed to gain a moment of ...lucidity, before descending into a new tirade, accepting blame for the murders, claiming the orders had come down from the High Council itself.

Dante and the Magincians, troubled by the accusation, offered the Captain a grim choice: execute the man, and absolve the Council, or protect the murderer and die with him.

The Captain attempted to restrain his scion, but the demoniac resisted, mutating into something ...inhuman, enhanced by dark powers. They were left with no other choice, and quickly cut down and dismembered Aldritch as his Uncle watched. But even that failed to stop the man, for even as the drops of his tainted blood soaked into the sand, like seed, they festered and grew into new Daemons of Shadow and Oblivion.

The Britannians and their Magincian counterparts were almost driven from the stretch of sand, but at last the shadow was overcome.

There is no word on how this will impact negotiations between Britannia and Magincia. The Captain is said to be isolating himself in Castle Britannia, and is not receiving visitors.
