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[EM News] The High Council of Britannia to Gather. Sunday at 8:30 PM PST.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The High Council of Britannia to Gather.
EM Seppo

To High Councillors,

The Britannian High Council will meet this Sunday at 8:30 PM PST / 11:30 PM EST behind closed doors in Lord British’s Castle. You may bring an assistant to the meeting. Additionally, a representative from each of the independent kingdoms, as deemed by late Queen Dawn and currently in good standing with Britannia, is also invited to the meeting.

The agenda of the meeting is to discuss the High Council Charter, which I might add the council is obligated to formulate as their first and foremost assignment. Furthermore, the role of the representatives will also be discussed during the meeting.


Captain Jenkins

*A copy of the letter is sent to the leaders of Heaven’s Forge, Kingdom of Dawn, Queendom of Shieba, and Village of Avalon*


*sigh* EA... might have to fly my feathery ass over to EVE...