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[EM News] The Beginning of the End (Callie the Treasure Hunter)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Beginning of the End
EM Godiva

Callie was frustrated. Ver Lor Reg was now being evacuated so she could not gain access to Exodus’ Dungeon safely. She closed her eyes and leaned back, listening to the patter of raindrops outside. Callie thought she remembered something but, as always, it was just out of reach. She allowed her mind to wander, hoping to find it.

A Control Panel…
A Rumbling…
A Recall Scroll…
A Presence…
A Necklace…

A flash of lightning followed by a loud *CRACK* of thunder made her flinch. Her eyes flew open. Electricity was important somehow. Callie reached over and pulled a Recall Scroll out of her bag.

“I handed one to Balthan and began casting.” she murmured, closing her eyes again.

“Kal Ort Por.” Callie began casting.

The spell hovered, waiting for her to choose a destination. Something about electricity in relation to the target bothered her.

A Control Panel…
A Rumbling…
A Recall Scroll…

Callie sat up and opened her eyes. The sudden realization that she was not in Exodus’ Dungeon as she drifted in and out of consciousness made her feel sick to her stomach. Electricity had somehow touched her Recall spell that night, altering it. Her spell had not fizzled.

A Presence…
A Necklace…

Callie remembered something.

She saw a robed figure. Then several more appeared. Some large blue things kept wandering about. The hairs stood up on her arms. They were beautiful and frightening. The robed figures began to whisper. Callie turned her head to vomit and saw a screen and some control panels, similar to those in Exodus’ Dungeon.

No wonder she had confused the two.

Callie wiped her mouth and turned to look the other way. There was a bright light on the wall. She was drawn to it. Something about it made her feel euphoric and giddy. She felt like she was losing control. One of the robed figures said something to her but she couldn’t understand. Then there was darkness again.

“How did I get to that place?” Callie wondered aloud.

The next thing she remembered was stumbling out of the Honor moongate and into The Deuce’s Vinculum Inn. She had felt unlike herself, almost possessed. She had spoken to a few people there. In particular, she remembered a woman named Phoebe who claimed to be a psychic.

Callie grabbed her bag and headed to The Deuce’s Vinculum Inn.

(To be concluded…)