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[EM News] Terror in the Night - Finale


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Terror in the Night
EM Seppo

The pet sat on the steps of what had now became a shrine. Time was drawing closer, he could feel it. Feeding off the chaos in the world, every passing day the portal between the two worlds became ever stronger. If he focused, he could almost see the outlines of the world on the other side. Soon, the master would be able to walk through the portal and enter this world. The very thought left him both terrified and elated.

“Intruders! Someone is trying to reach to us through the dream world,” his masters voice boomed through the portal.

“It is that wretched girl. The link must be broken!”

“Pet, tell me everything about the security in the castle!”

(Mid-season finale)
Event announcement:

Saturday, January 28th, 3:00 PM PST

Note: part of the event will occur in Felucca ruleset.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Reminder: This is today and be sure to bank what you don't want to lose. Felucca Rules! :gee:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Pet peered into the silver gate, shaking from the ill-fortune of reporting the latest failure.

"Masster, the attack has failed! The wench was moved from her house and by the time we found her new location, the element of surprise was lost!"

Barely had he finished his sentence, the very earth around the rift gate shook.

"Why am I not surprised to hear but ill-news from you? Serves me right to take in a stray from a failed campaign!"

"But, fear not. If it is the dream world they choose to use to reach me, two can play the same game. After all, dreams can just as easily turn into nightmares!"

"And you, my pet.!"

A mutilated hand reached out of the rift and grabbed the pet's hand. Falling to his knees, the pet shrieked as corruption and plague passed from hand to hand

"Perhaps, it is time for you to truly become my pet! Maybe you will serve me better as a rat than a human!"