Skara Brae Spring Faire - Looking For A Few Good Organizers
Hail, Good Citizens of Baja!
We are due for another Bazaar at the Faire Grounds in Skara Brae. It was originally planned to be done during the month of April, but I decided to push it back to the weekend of May 27-29. The reason for this was largely because I wanted to make sure that enough time was spent towards planning it.
To all of us who play on Baja, we know it to be a close-knit community. The past bazaars have been able to successfully showcase this because this concept was developed as an event where players and EM’s work together. A hybrid of an EM and player event, if you may. Players have always helped with the past bazaars, such as WildStar, Sara, Oriana, Jinx, Lil Debi, Toni Fierce, Bucko, Xel, Nicholas, Magdalena, and many others. This time around, I would like to take one step further by involving the community even more directly. The idea is to have an organizing committee consisting of players who are willing to put in the time and effort to work with me to execute an exciting bazaar. If you are interested in playing a role, then please send me an email via the feedback link (and include your contact email, as well). Everyone is welcome to help, but it comes with a fair amount of responsibility. The plan is to have several in-game meetings to hammer out all of the details before May 18th.
I hope we can work together to plan a great bazaar to showcase what we all already know about our shard.
EM Seppo

Hail, Good Citizens of Baja!
We are due for another Bazaar at the Faire Grounds in Skara Brae. It was originally planned to be done during the month of April, but I decided to push it back to the weekend of May 27-29. The reason for this was largely because I wanted to make sure that enough time was spent towards planning it.
To all of us who play on Baja, we know it to be a close-knit community. The past bazaars have been able to successfully showcase this because this concept was developed as an event where players and EM’s work together. A hybrid of an EM and player event, if you may. Players have always helped with the past bazaars, such as WildStar, Sara, Oriana, Jinx, Lil Debi, Toni Fierce, Bucko, Xel, Nicholas, Magdalena, and many others. This time around, I would like to take one step further by involving the community even more directly. The idea is to have an organizing committee consisting of players who are willing to put in the time and effort to work with me to execute an exciting bazaar. If you are interested in playing a role, then please send me an email via the feedback link (and include your contact email, as well). Everyone is welcome to help, but it comes with a fair amount of responsibility. The plan is to have several in-game meetings to hammer out all of the details before May 18th.
I hope we can work together to plan a great bazaar to showcase what we all already know about our shard.
EM Seppo