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[EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wednesday


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival
EM Godiva

Pie Bake-Off at Baja’s Fall Festival 2011

Players are asked to submit a baked pie as well as a written description. Be creative! The pies and descriptions will be displayed during the festival and players will have a chance to vote on which “recipe” is their favorite.
Recipe submissions for the Bake-Off will be accepted until Wednesday, November 16th, 2011.

Submissions Received:

- Xelious Norwood
- Grandma
- Sally
- Sluggy Freelance
- Moira MacBroeden
- Amber Witch
- Peter Tarrant


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

How does one bake a pie? You can put any kinda ingredient in it?

Any bakers for hire who want to try using different ingredients? I'd be willing to try.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

Idea is that we (EMs) will make the pie and display all the submissions along with the recipe. People will vote based on the recipe, I imagine. Just a fun little thing.


Stratics Legend
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Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

bah cookin fer gurly goblins noes da boys


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

Do we submit real pie recipes or UO ones? I'm confused...but I'll give it a shot.

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

As long as it is a pie (and not vulgar), we will accept it. It can be anything from an apple pie flavored with whiskey to a mongbat-peach pie. The ingredients do not have to exist in game. You may either submit an actual recipe or a detailed description of your pie. Be creative!

The Slug

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Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

*Waiting for Sally to submit a Salted Slug pie* :stir:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

Ah yes its coming right along Sluggy! *Should be out of the oven in no time!* And Ill let you taste it first! Don't worry I didn't put ANY salt in there....*evil grin*

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Pie Bake-Off at Baja's Fall Festival - Submissions Accepted Until Wedne

Made a pie! Took all day, the kitchen is a disaster, my husband laughs every time he looks at my face. I'm exhausted!

You have just a few hours to make one and hand it in!