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[EM News] Magic and Science: Healer Class Continues Tomorrow at 8:00 PST.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Magic and Science Cont.
EM Godiva

Event: Healer Class.
Date: Thursday, March 8th 2012.
Time: 8:00 PM PST / 11:00 EST.
Location: EM Lecture Hall.

Important Note: Please remember to bring a plant to class this week.

Beldin Brightaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aye lad, Ah found thae spot.
Strange things if yer ask masael. Quite a group ae folks. A talking chicken. Another...thing...tha couldnae decide if it were a wolf or dragon. An' some lass named Heather who wunted me tae join her in thae field later...

I couldnae find thae lass afterwards...

Dante of Magincia

Stratics Veteran
Don't forget to use protection. You never know what that skirt might be hiding...

"Uus Sanct Brand Condoms. Your wand will never fizzle again."