Crystal Canyon

When EM Faine asked the questions, “ Have you ever gone to a carnival and played a game where you picked up a rubber duck and won a prize?” And, “Does anyone needed a dagger?,” it became clear that this was not going to be your average, everyday, run of mill, carnival game. Who takes a dagger to a carnival? The citizens of Origin do! And it was a good thing they did too… those Rubber Duckies were ferocious!
Once The rules of the event were explained and EM Infinity had made sure everyone had a dagger, a gate was opened and the citizens of Origin filed in, (actually it was more like jammed in the gate…a one for all and all for one type of situation) and the duck hunt was on!

There were little yellow squeaking ducks everywhere! It was hard to walk without stepping on one, but the daggers did a good job of hushing them up.

One by one, the poor little rubber duckies met their demise and lay deflated on the dungeon floor. One by one, the citizens of Origin ripped out their squeakers and left them in silence to squeak no more. One by one, the people used their daggers to skin the poor rubbery creatures and collect the rubb… I mean, uhmm, prizes that were inside their bodies.

Leave it to EM Faine and EM Infinity to think of this kind of event!

So far, the 4th of July celebration had been a real “blast” and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. The opening ceremony was beautiful and the Foot Face, Jeopardy Games and the Duck hunt, had left everyone wanting more. When EM Faine asked if anyone wanted to “take a shot at EM Infinity“, it became clear that there was more to come. And, just knowing that EM Faine had glued EM Infinities shock collar on him so he couldn’t take it off, made the next activity a truly “electrifying” experience!

Excited to reveal the next surprise they had in store, the EMs lead the citizens of Origin to the north end of the fairgrounds where a Dunk Tank had been erected., complete with an electric eel and a stoop that was sure to drop its victim into an icy abyss. The only better part of this set up was that the victim would be EM “Buzz“ Infinity. Now our dear EM Infinity would certainty earn all rights to the his given nickname “Buzz” from here on after.

The crowd’s intense cheering at the prospect of dunking EM Infinity in the tank soon came to a halt as he removed his robe in preparation and revealed his haunting green flesh that was clad only in a daring pink mankini and a matching shock collar.

Although speechless for a moment at the sight of a half naked EM Infinity, the crowd once again came to life as EM Faine gave instructions on how the “dunking” would take place. She explained that it would take great precision and a good aim to hit the target in order activate the mechanism of the dunk tank that would then drop EM Infinity into the treacherous waters. This would be accomplished by using a bow and arrows that she would happily supply for everyone.

Once the order to line up was given, the pushing and shoving, line jumping, and eye gouging, began. It seemed as though everyone was more than a bit excited to take a chance at dropping EM Infinity into the icy water. And it didn’t help matters that EM Infinity was provoking the crowd from the top of his perch.

Suddenly there was a “splat”! Then a blinding bolt of electricity emerged from the water tank, sending everyone within a few steps of it scattering to keep from being hit by the wave of water that spilled from the top of the tank. The crowd burst into fits of laughter as they realized that EM Infinity had just been dropped into the tank due to the marksmanship of a very skilled archer.

Several times that evening EM Infinity graciously fell into cold water as the crowd cheered him on and EM Faine laughed hysterically on the sidelines. At one point there was even a “Drive by” that hit dead on the mark and cause EM Infinity to once again drop into the electrifying tank.

As folks stood in line, each eager to test their archery skills and to have the chance at dunking poor EM Buzz, there was talk of filling the tank with other items of interest. The electric eel was a nice touch for EM Buzz, but what would be appropriate for EM Faine? I’m certain, that knowing the people of Origin that question will be answered… sooner or later. ( Probably with some help from EM Infinity!)