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[EM News] Investigation: Minions of Chaos


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Investigation: Minions of Chaos
EM Sangria

‘The nobles did WHAT?!’ Captain Bob exclaimed in dismay. He sat down heavily. He was going to need help with this one – a lot of help. Fortunately the Guard here liked a challenge, even the deadly kind. And Bob was quite sure this was going to be one of those challenges. He dismissed his aide, grabbed a pen and ink and began to write…

Royal Guard and concerned citizens,

We now know who is responsible for the Chaos Minions – the gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg. Investigate what is causing the chaos minions to appear, and how we can put a stop to it! Record your findings and recommendations in a book. Drop the book off at the wedding chapel mail box. I’ll use your recommendations to determine our next course of action.

[OOC] The Wedding Chapel is beside the EM Hall. A rune to the Chapel has been locked down at Luna Moongate.