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[EM News] Hail and Well Met! (EM Seppo)


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Hail and Well Met!
EM Seppo

Greetings Baja.

It is a cold but bright early morning here with the clear sky lending a delightful view of the mighty Matterhorn. From beneath its shadow, I write my last letter to you.

By the time you read it, I would have already bid my farewell to you in game. Unfortunately, there are likely to be a few to whom I will not get the opportunity. As I will probably explain during the meet and greet, it has been a long time coming. Perhaps, bit too quick in the end. But, like pulling a bandaid, farewells are always easier done quickly.

As it often happens in the world of Sosaria, real life has caught up with me. Despite all my attempts, it had become increasingly difficult for me to continue to juggle responsibilities and time-zones. Pangs of guilt and frustration started to surface as I found myself no longer able to implement my ideas due to temporal constraints. There were many times in the past six months that I came close to this day, but always hesitated as I did not want to leave the shard in the hands of two inexperienced EM’s. However, with Baja getting an excellent EM in the form of Godiva, the timing feels right. In the past couple of months, I have seen her grow as an EM and I feel comfortable in leaving the shard in her capable hands. Godiva, thank you for making this decision easier for me and I do not pass this mantle of responsibility lightly to you.

It goes without saying that I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience as an Event Moderator of our wornderful shard. I will take with me a life-time of brilliant memories from this experience. For the past 48 hours, my mind has been randomly flashing through exactly such memories: watching Mama Faith trying to decipher the puzzle to the secret blackrock lab, being almost eaten during my first visit to the Mage Tower with Nicholas and WildStar, meeting Fern for the first time, all the crazy mercenary invasions, the rush I felt when we put up Casca’s war banners, the joy I saw on Elladan’s virtual face when I asked him to be the knight-witness to Queen Dawn’s coronation, patrolling the streets on WIlliam along with Kemer, ducking from James on Aino Nystad as I felt terribly insecure of my thee’s and thou’s, the very first Skara Brae Faire grounds festival, Brackus and the town guards – oh, my precious town guards, watching Cymidei and her gang of red caps interact with the town guards, Kurpur – the cutest orc I will meet, Yattering – the cutest yattering that I will meet, running around on Bartalbe, meeting Sara, and others on my very first day as EM, Girl Scout cookies, spending 24 hours straight hiding egg on Easter bunny, attending the opening ceremony of Township center on Kullervo Nystad, throwing pies at Sally while hidden, the High Council experience, the beautiful weddings I got to reside upon as an EM, rebellion against Lord Casca, sight of Handalf running around in circles, talking “trash” on Mercenary captain everytime he killed a player, especially SuperKen, having a chance of seeing Golden Brew Tavern come back to life (atleast for a while), the sight of Bacchus and Halo together, and so many more that I cannot possibly hope to write them all down right now.

I would also like to give a shout out to my former partners-in-crime: Pallando and Crysania. We will always share a special bond and I hope that one day we can meet for a drink. Also, would like to give a special shout out to EM Eira, EM Aname, EM Emilelayne, EM Fainemorgan, former EM Kaen, and former EM Kasaven for their help with assisting me with various events on Baja. I will most definitely miss the entire EM team and I hope someone else will pick up the mantle of licking and slapping with trouts. It has been such a pleasure to discuss various aspects of our jobs and learning from each other. Finally, I would like to express my deepest and most heartfelt thanks to Mesanna who has become more than a mere boss over the years.

So, as my time as an event moderator comes to an end, I would like to say that I am proud of everything we achieved together. I will always carry with me the strength of this experience and for that, I would thank each and every one of you. We laughed, we fought, we cried, you died and over the years, we became a virtual family. And, now, I know how it must feel to bid farewell to one’s own family.

Seppo, signing out.

A Zombie

Stratics Veteran
Re: [EM News] Hail and Well Met. (EM Seppo)

I'd just like a offer a big "Thank You" to Elder EM Seppo. You helped make this game much more enjoyable for me (even if I did cause you countless facepalms)


House of Zombie
House of Slug
Town Guard Hawkeye


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Elder EM Seppo,

Over several years you in your many forms entertained and guided Me and my many Characters. Many you knew were "me," many others I think you knew not. For by far the greatest of our time together we cooperated greatly. For but the tiniest sliver of our time together our strong wills and passions may have convinced some that we were "joined at the hip by Draconi chains." LOL with a SMILE

I wish you who Portrayed Elder EM Seppo and so many others my sincere Warm Wishes and Fondest Farewell.

When Life and Reality allow ... return to us in ANY chosen form and again lift us and our Beloved Sosaria to even Greater Heights!!!

Elladan, Dar, Aerowyn, Charlemagne, and all My Others


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EM Seppo-

I hate goodbyes. I really do.
Thank you for all of the excitement and entertainment you brought to UO as a Baja EM.
I'm sorry to see you go. You are loved on Baja and will be missed.


Ps. In the shadow of the majestic Matterhorn? Woah, that is awesome!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for everything, Elder EM Seppo.

I remember the day you showed up on Baja at the first Meet and Greet and me and tofu rushed over to ask if you could do something about speed hackers. We left disappointed that day but not for very long.

You've been a diligent servant to this shard; often doing PvP events that were as fair and balanced as you could conjure them despite all the ungrateful trash talk that would follow. You set up storylines and events that respected Baja history and its culture. I don't think any of us at Cartel can remember the Orobas fight without a smile on our faces. Good stuff.

Best of luck to you, Elder EM Seppo, and congrats on getting your doctorate. If you ever do decide to come back to Baja, come back as a player and choose a side. We'd be happy to fight with or against you.


Stratics Veteran
Sorry to see you go Seppo! We will surely miss you.

I will always remember being taunted by the Mercenary's on the island, the insane monster bashes and the wonderful fairs, parties and meets!

Take care and come back and visit when you can... you would always be welcomed with Opened Arms! :grouphug:

*with a fond peck on the cheek*

Farewell, for now!

Sister Frances, EcZ

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awe Seppo, I had a feeling this was coming and I can't tell you how sad I am to see you go; I truly mean that. I also remember the day you were watching me try to solve that puzzle and I was cussing you out (good-naturedly, of course) for not spelling words correctly. *LOL* That was the day I knew we had an EM who could handle all the ribbing Baja would give out.

You have been such an asset to our community and know that I will remember you years from now. I can't say "goodbye" without thanking you for training EM Godiva so well. She fits in great and you've left your duties in safe hands from everything I've seen so far. Take care, Godspeed and may you be blessed in all your future endeavors. *HUGE HUGS* dear sir.

Cymidei Fier

Sorry to see you go EM Seppo! You were without a doubt one of the finest EMs or Seers that Ultima Online ever had. I've seen Richard Garriott himself play Lord British and attended thousands of EM and player run events on Baja and other shards. EM Seppo is first among equals. Thank you for all the fun, imagination, and hard work you put into our community. You will always be remembered! Thank you to friends who sent me a heads up about this event.

Time for me to say goodbye to Baja as well.
I probably already said goodbye but just in-case.. I quit playing UO two years ago.

To quote Bilbo Baggins "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."


Girl Scout Edith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*written in her best hand writing*

Dear Mr. Elder EM Seppo,

When Girl Scout Leona and I finally figured out that you were leaving we sat down and cried[really].

I think I speak for all of Baja Girl Scout Troop #1 when I say that we love you and will miss you. We had some very special times together and you are an important part of our little Baja family.

Enclosed are two pictures from one of the many good times we had. I hope your memories of this as as happy as ours.

Thank you for your gift to the players of Baja.

Girl Scout Edith
Baja Girl Scout Troop #1




Let me piggyback with Cymidei and say thank you again for your hard work, dedication, and imagination towards not only your events and storylines, but Baja and its history as a whole.

It was an absolute pleasure being present at many of your events and enjoying every moment of them. You will be sorely missed!