Details about event
Saturday, January 23, 2010
By EM Seppo
This is OOC information for the event this evening.
1) The Pro Garogyle/Humans are asked to meet in the throne room at 4:30 PM PST
2) The Anti-Gargish faction members will be meeting at 4:00 PM PST at a secret location. If you are member of the Anti-Gargish faction then please ask other members about the new location or be present at the old location for a pickup (no spies for this please).
Basic plot: The Anti-gargish side has managed to take over Orobas’ castle and are performing a ceremony to subdue him. If they succeed, they will be come permanent masters of the castle. In order to prevent this, the “Pro” faction needs to evict them out of their castle and free Orobas before 8:00 PM PST.
In order to break through the castle, the Pro-faction needs to blow up the front doors. How this may be done will be explained in the throne room.
The Anti-faction members need to defend the castle and prevent the pro-faction from breaking in.
Anyone “breaking” into the castle during the event using self-rez mechanism will be kicked or banned from the castle. If you are caught doing so before the event, you will be banned.
This event is being held in Felucca. There is bound to be PvP. Although, one may hope that everyone joins one of the side and chooses to PvP in a meaningful manner – there are no guarantees in Felucca. Please, keep that in mind.
Details about event
Saturday, January 23, 2010
By EM Seppo
This is OOC information for the event this evening.
1) The Pro Garogyle/Humans are asked to meet in the throne room at 4:30 PM PST
2) The Anti-Gargish faction members will be meeting at 4:00 PM PST at a secret location. If you are member of the Anti-Gargish faction then please ask other members about the new location or be present at the old location for a pickup (no spies for this please).
Basic plot: The Anti-gargish side has managed to take over Orobas’ castle and are performing a ceremony to subdue him. If they succeed, they will be come permanent masters of the castle. In order to prevent this, the “Pro” faction needs to evict them out of their castle and free Orobas before 8:00 PM PST.
In order to break through the castle, the Pro-faction needs to blow up the front doors. How this may be done will be explained in the throne room.
The Anti-faction members need to defend the castle and prevent the pro-faction from breaking in.
Anyone “breaking” into the castle during the event using self-rez mechanism will be kicked or banned from the castle. If you are caught doing so before the event, you will be banned.
This event is being held in Felucca. There is bound to be PvP. Although, one may hope that everyone joins one of the side and chooses to PvP in a meaningful manner – there are no guarantees in Felucca. Please, keep that in mind.