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[EM News] Baja Halloween Faire - October 27th at 6:00 PM PST / 9:00 EST


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Halloween Faire
EM Crysania

You can view the original thread here.

Baja Oktoberfest/Halloween Fall Festival!

A gentle breeze rustling the dry cornstalks.
A sound is heard, a goblin walks.
A harvest moon suffers a black cat’s cry.
Oh’ do the witches fly!
Bonfire catches a pumpkins gleem.
Rejoice, it’s Halloween!

-Richard Anderson © Copyright 1998

Announcing the Oktoberfest/Halloween Fall Faire! Come bring your spookiest self and have some fun!! Enjoy the food and drink! Who knows what might happen or who will drop in. *grins*

Tentative schedule (subject to change)

6:00 PM – Opening Ceremony
6:10 PM – Bazaar shops 1 (sign up required)
6:40 PM- Costume Contest (sign up required)
7:10 PM – Bazaar Shops 2
7:45 PM Winner of Halloween House Deco Contest Announced by Wildstar
7:55 PM – Tour of Halloween Homes
8:25 PM – A Tale of Terror, a short story recital contest (sign up required)
9:00PM – Scavenger Hunt

*Bazaar Stall Registrations*

The stalls may be used for plethora of activities, such as guild recruitment, selling your newest Halloween event acquisitions, fortune telling, etc.

Please reply to this post of email me, with the stall number and time you would like.
My email is : [email protected]

Stall # – 6:15-6:45 ——– 7:15-7:45
Stall 1
Stall 2
Stall 3
Stall 4
Stall 5
Stall 6
Stall 7
Stall 8
Stall 9
Stall 10
Stall 11

2) Lady Wildstar of the Kingdom of Dawn, will announce the winner of the Halloween House Decoration contest! Following the announcement and prize awarded, there will be a tour of entries in the contest!

3) Costume contest
There will be a costume contest held during the bazaar from 7:45 PM to 8:15 PM (PST). The rules are quite simple,

1- You need a costume, other than the cool costume masks you get from the new quest.
2- You need to write a short bio about who you are pretending to be in your paper doll. Humor is encouraged.
3- You will have to model your costume on the stage. Acting it out is also encouraged!
You will be judged on your creativity and a winner will be chosen. Please register yourself by commenting in this post with your character name, or emailing me at:
[email protected]

4) Short Story Recital Contest
You are invited to recite a short story, preferably spooky and terrifying. The recital should not last longer than 5 minutes. Please register ahead of time by commenting here, or emailing me at: [email protected]
Please, the stories should conform to the rules of the game. So, don’t forget to keep it clean! You will be judged on your creativity and a winner will be chosen.

5) Scavenger Hunt!
You will be given a bag with a 2books,one with clues and the other blank to write your name in. Who ever brings back the most correct items first will be declared winner! Please be sure to write your name in the blank book and place it in the bag!
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