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[EM News] A Note from the Thiefmaster: Event Tomorrow at 2:40 PM PST.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Note from the Thiefmaster
EM Seppo

Captain Jenkins,

I believe this information will be of some use to you. My spies have uncovered the hand of the leader “warbozz” of cove orc fort behind the recent attacks on the roads leading to Britain. This information was gathered after interviewing Urpurk in Britain and Zughan in cove fort. Both of them confirmed that the warbozz has been acting peculiar, as of late. Alas, his whereabouts remain unknown at this moment.

Furthermore, according to Zughan, this change in behavior began after a visit from a “hooded stranger” on a “black horse.” While it may be too early to say anything with certainty, you might remember another hooded friend of ours from not so long ago.

However, more urgently, Zughan also stated that the warbozz has been sending for more of his orcs routinely on Saturdays at 3:00 PM PST. If I may be bold enough to make a suggestion: Intercept this transaction and, by stealth or force, uncover the current location of the warbozz. This will likely lead to defeating the orc raiders, at the least. Perhaps, even give a clue as to the purpose behind these raids.


OOC Announcements:

1. Meet Captain Jenkins in the throne room on Saturday Sep 10 at 2:40 PM PST. Bring along a pair of Big Majik Flippers, if you have one.

2. The orc raiders will not attack between 8-9:00 PM PST today. They will probably attack at different times during the day. So, keep an eye out.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well that sucks, ill be at work tommorow