A Council of Citizens
EM Seppo
Citizens of Britain,
I come before you on the turn of a new era. Ever since the assassination of Queen Dawn, our kingdom has lived under the haze of uncertainty. Uncertainty is often a precursor to greater disturbances as our enemies seek to exploit. As such, I, Jenkins, formerly Captain of Britannian Royal Expeditionary Forces, found myself in the not so enviable position of imposing a martial law in the light of the extraordinary situation that we faced.
Now, with a great sense of relief, I announce a vision for our future. A vision in which all loyal citizens and allies of Britain will have a stake in and play a role in shaping it. As announced during the Spring Festival, the kingdom is to form a ruling council to lead the kingdom. The seat of our true king will remain empty, but instead the decisions will be formed by the council. The members of the council will be elected through a democratic process. Any person willing to plea allegiance to the people of Britain and the virtues will be allowed to stand for a seat at the council. In coming days, you will see me holding meetings across our land to explain the idea of the council and seek out candidates interested in a seat at the council.
Furthermore, in a show of support and gratitude towards the independent kingdoms who have consistently rallied to Britain’s aid, their representative will be granted a seat at the council. The responsibilities and role of this representatives within the council will be determined through negotiations with the individual kingdoms.
The preliminary information meeting for the council will take place at the throne room this coming Saturday at 8:30 PM PST. I hope to see all of you there.
Strength and Honor,
Captain Jenkins
EM Seppo
Citizens of Britain,
I come before you on the turn of a new era. Ever since the assassination of Queen Dawn, our kingdom has lived under the haze of uncertainty. Uncertainty is often a precursor to greater disturbances as our enemies seek to exploit. As such, I, Jenkins, formerly Captain of Britannian Royal Expeditionary Forces, found myself in the not so enviable position of imposing a martial law in the light of the extraordinary situation that we faced.
Now, with a great sense of relief, I announce a vision for our future. A vision in which all loyal citizens and allies of Britain will have a stake in and play a role in shaping it. As announced during the Spring Festival, the kingdom is to form a ruling council to lead the kingdom. The seat of our true king will remain empty, but instead the decisions will be formed by the council. The members of the council will be elected through a democratic process. Any person willing to plea allegiance to the people of Britain and the virtues will be allowed to stand for a seat at the council. In coming days, you will see me holding meetings across our land to explain the idea of the council and seek out candidates interested in a seat at the council.
Furthermore, in a show of support and gratitude towards the independent kingdoms who have consistently rallied to Britain’s aid, their representative will be granted a seat at the council. The responsibilities and role of this representatives within the council will be determined through negotiations with the individual kingdoms.
The preliminary information meeting for the council will take place at the throne room this coming Saturday at 8:30 PM PST. I hope to see all of you there.
Strength and Honor,
Captain Jenkins