Selling some EM Items, lmk if you are interested, prices by DM or send me a message on my discord dES.oNE

1 - Ketl Oktli
2 - A Leprechaun's House
3 - In Memory Of The Stranger
4 - A Wanted Poster For Ellis The Reaper
5 - Xavriad The Magnificent
6 - A Dinosaur Scale
7 - A Drop Of The Elixir Of Life
8 - A Trophy Of A Disgruntled Anomala Dubia
9 - A Statue Of The Famous Ghost Hunter August
10 -A Rare Flame - SOLD
11 - A Cursed Hoodoo Doll
12 - A Elegant Gem Mounted In Silver Recovered From Grave Robbers (You Suddenly Realize Its Fake)
13 - A Jar Of Lime Custard Chocolate Truffles
14 -Bouquet Of Roses From A Secret Admirer - SOLD
15 - Greetings From EM Requiem, Atlantic 2015
16 - Melodies From The Ultimate Love Song
17 -Blackrock Firing Cannon - SOLD
18 - The Book Of Soulstone Lore
19 - Snozzleberry Pie
20 -Storyteller's Bookcase - SOLD
21 -Poseidon's Crest of Tides - SOLD
22 -A Recipe Book On How To Cook Rare Animals - SOLD
23 - I Ripped A Hole In My Sock While Battling A Snagglefoot
24 -The Miracle Shoes Of The Bounty Hunter - SOLD
25 -Regalia Of The Kingsguard (Tunic) - SOLD
1 - Ketl Oktli

2 - A Leprechaun's House

3 - In Memory Of The Stranger

4 - A Wanted Poster For Ellis The Reaper

5 - Xavriad The Magnificent

6 - A Dinosaur Scale

7 - A Drop Of The Elixir Of Life

8 - A Trophy Of A Disgruntled Anomala Dubia

9 - A Statue Of The Famous Ghost Hunter August

10 -
11 - A Cursed Hoodoo Doll

12 - A Elegant Gem Mounted In Silver Recovered From Grave Robbers (You Suddenly Realize Its Fake)

13 - A Jar Of Lime Custard Chocolate Truffles

14 -
15 - Greetings From EM Requiem, Atlantic 2015

16 - Melodies From The Ultimate Love Song

17 -
18 - The Book Of Soulstone Lore

19 - Snozzleberry Pie

20 -
21 -
22 -
23 - I Ripped A Hole In My Sock While Battling A Snagglefoot

24 -
25 -
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