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[Discussion] EM Item Number Count


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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*disclaimer: I too try to count the number of items that drop, whether it be on my home shard of Catskills, or I'm visiting another shard*

It doesn't matter what a player's count is. Unless an EM specifically says thru email or on a thread, a count CAN NOT be stated as official numbers.

Manticore doesn't list this way on his thread, and no one else posts here that is a serious member of the community. If you can't officially verify, then someone counting is just idle speculation.

There would need to be OVERWHELMING number of posts or people saying, within 5 or so, that they counted "X" before it would heed consideration.

But throwing around unofficial numbers isn't helping anyone or anything in this case. And that's why you see THIS line in the Season 8 thread:

Master Archaeologist's Pick (*)

The "asterisk", just in case anyone doesn't know, means "we don't have any idea of the number of items because this was or was turned into a "vending machine" and there is no valid way to estimate the number of items.


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This was posted by EM Bennu on the Atlantic EM Forum:

"#3: The reward giver. This was my first time using the reward giver tool. I am pleased that even after the second gate only 153 (+1 for reward hall) of the picks were given out which pretty closely matches the crowd we had last night as far as numbers. Next time I use a reward giver it will be something tall, very very tall."

I agree that there's no way to verify how many items were given out via a "vending machine"....unless of course the EM verifies the count lol.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Or if an EM states on his website....



Always Present
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You know our EM gives us the numbers if asked in game.