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EM hosted WHACKY MONGBAT Races ~ Thursday March 11th

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From Ultima Online Sonoma Community (Facebook)

Some photos from the WHACKY MONGBAT Races held Thurs. March 11th

Racers gather at the W. Brit Racetrack (Tram) and chose their special whacky mongbat to run with.

Racers listen to the simple rules given by Lubku, Sonomas' favorite orc.

Racers name their Whacky Mongbats ....

Let the races begin!!

Racers try to keep their Whacky Mongbats with them around the track ... and it is not as easy as it looks.

Looks like the racer ended up carrying the Whacky Mongbat to the end.

Another round of racers and their whacky bats!

Looks like the Whacky Bat has something else in mind ...

More racers lined up for the win ....

This one was declared the Pink vs Yellow racers .. (looked like a rainbow snowcone!) Onlookers cheered for who they wanted to win ... but the Whacky Bats once again had their own idea on how to race.

The Yellow & Pink racers did not give up though .. they finally got the bats to follow them ...

Another round of racers eager to go ...

around the track as fast as they could ...

Looks like the Whacky Bats were taking a leisurely stroll instead of running!

And another round but wait ... whose bat is energizing!!!

Its a dead heat ... the bats are even winged!

Lubku announces the winners of first, second and third places and tells the crowd that the winner names (and the Whacky Mongbat names) will be placed in the Whacky Races book located at the Museum of Player Reward Hall (Malas) ...

A stuffy mongbat was donated by Ockie to help remember the event along with the names of winners being inscribed in the race books ...
