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[EM Fiction] Tripping the Light Ferntastic. (Charlotte Christianson.)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tripping the Light Ferntastic
EM Godiva

Lady Charlotte Christianson breezed into the meeting room, gently swaying her hips as she made her way to her seat.
(Lady Charlotte Christianson barged into the meeting room, stumbling around a bit as she tried to find her chair.)

“Fernles!” she called out lightly, gracefully leaning forward to return Fern’s delicate air kisses.
(“FERNLES!” she exclaimed, almost colliding into Fern as she smacked her lips together loudly beside each of Fern’s cheeks.)

Charlotte joined the table, quietly sitting down. She smoothed down her pants, nodding politely to her fellow council members.
(Charlotte bumped the table as she sat down, slumping into her chair. She took a moment to dig awkwardly at her slacks and panties, which had become wedged in the crack of her bottom.)

A town guard graciously offered to protect her during the meeting. Charlotte could tell this was a special moment for them both. She turned, flashing him a girlish smile before responding with a demure “Thank you.”
(A town guard was ordered to stand watch over Charlotte during the meeting. Although he complied, it was obvious that Ric was quite displeased with this arrangement. Charlotte leered at him a bit before mumbling a half-hearted “Thank you.”)

Charlotte and Fern exchanged a bit of sophisticated “adult” humor under their breath.
(Charlotte made a bunch of crude “sausage” jokes, executed in her best bar whisper.)

After the meeting, Charlotte went home to rest.
(After the meeting, Charlotte passed out on her bedroom floor. She awoke later that evening and cringed, remembering what actually happened. She vowed to never again take a dose of her medicine right before a council meeting.)