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[EM Fiction] "The Plea." - Event Saturday, July 14th at 7:00 PM PST


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Plea
EM Crysania

Queen Zhah clenched her taloned fist tightly. She furled and unfurled her elegant wings as she paced her chambers. News that the sickness from the refugee’s that had been taken in from Ver Lor Reg was spreading to her people had just been given to her. Several of the Ter Mur citizens had already lost their lives and more were showing symptoms of the disease each day.
Turning towards her daughter, Rhista, Zhah said in a stern voice,
“You are not to leave the palace grounds! This disease, brought in by those refugee’s from Ver Lor Reg, We do not have the means to cure it. I do not want you exposed!” she exclaimed.
“But Mother,” Rhista started to say.
“No buts, Daughter!” Zhah demanded, ” do you not realize, how dangerous this is? To think, I offered them a place of refuge..and now they bring this…this..sickness into our city!”
” Mother, we must help them if we can,” Rhista said,”We offered them refuge, are we to let them just die? To escape from one hell in the land they came from, only to meet their deaths here?”
“I have done what I could, I have sent them to the fishing village, far from the city until a cure can be found. They are quarantined there for now”, Zhah replied.”I have set up Labs there for them to find a cure to the sickness they have brought to us.”
“The fishing village?” Rhista exclaimed,”It hasn’t been used for years! The land holds nothing they can use to even try and find a cure!”
“It is not your matter to decide Rhista. They will have to work with what they have” Zhah said.
“Can we not ask for help? The human and elves are knowledgeable in the alchemy arts. Can you not send word we need their help?” Rhista asked.
Queen Zhah turned and looked at her daughter and spoke sternly.
“We, the gargoyles of Ter Mur are a proud people. We do not ask for help. We will keep this matter in our own lands, there is no need for the humans and elves to know. You should understand that, Rhista.”
” Yes, mother I do understand” she replied softly.
“Good, now, do as I say, do not leave the palace grounds. We must avoid this sickness, for who will run the city if we contract it? There are other races of gargoyles who would do nothing more than rejoice at our demise, and try to take our city from us,”said the Queen. “Now go daughter, I must meet with my advisers on this matter.”
Rhista walked towards the door leading out into the palace. Slowly a slight smile formed on her face. She knew then what she must do. Leaving her mothers chambers, she flew down the hallway to her room, where she took up pen and parchment. She had heard of the man, Dupre, surely he would help them in their plight. He was a brave Paladin, one of honor. He would understand the need to keep things quiet relating to the sickness.
Finishing off her letter explaining what was happening in Ter Mur, Rhista rolled the scroll and sealed it. She left her room and found a messenger on the grounds.
“Take this to the one known as Dupre, tell him it is for his eyes only. Go swiftly and silently, try not to be seen leaving the grounds!”, she said.
The messenger nodded his great horned head and lifted his wings in the air. Swiftly and with out a sound, he flew towards the moongate to deliver the message.

John Mograine

Seem ta' remember that Dupre being a womanizer and a drunk.

Ye best watch that lil' Rhista if ye know what I'm sayin'.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Plea: Part II
EM Crysania

The gargoyle messenger held tightly to the rolled parchment as he landed some distance from the palace grounds. Gently edging loose the seal, he unrolled the parchment and read..

” Lord Dupre
I am Rhista, daughter of Queen Zhah of Ter Mur. I have sent this message to you as we, the people of Ter Mur, are in grave danger.
I have heard word of your bravery in the battle of Exodus, and your honor as a Paladin.
Our city is being filled with sickness. Sickness brought on by those that we have taken in from Ver Lor Reg. Mother has sent those that sought refuge here to a small fishing village to quarentine in hopes of stopping the sickness from spreading.Labs have been set up in hopes of finding cures for this plague. Even though the labs are ready, the village is run down, nothing is on the land that can be used for a cure, nor are the ones there able to even try. The sickness has them weakened and several have died.
My plea to you is to somehow get word out that a cure must be found.
Mother said we are not to ask for help,for we are a proud race. Yet, if this plague spreads, and the city of Ter Mur falls ill, there are those that would use this as a means to take over our city. There are other races of gargoyles who would rejoice at our demise.
I beg of you, sir! Please help!
Rhista, daughter of Zhah”

Quickly rolling the parchment up and resealing it, the messenger looked up with a evil smile on his great horned face.
“The queens daughter is right, there are others who would care to know of this situation. Being of half blood, my brethren of Hythloth would indeed be intrested in this news!”

Taking off in flight, the messenger headed towards the moongate and to Trinsic. He knew he had to deliver the message to Dupre, and would wait for a answer to take back. Which suited him, as he could tell his half brethren in Hythloth what was going on.
Landing at Dupre’s camp, the messenger went in search of Dupre. He found him reading the weathered journal which was found after Exodus death.
“I have been sent by Rhista, daughter of Queen Zhah, with a message and to await a reply” he said as he handed over the parchment.
Dupre unrolled and quickly read what was written. He looked up at the Messenger and nodded his head.
“Tell Rhista, that it shall be done.” he said.
Nodding his head, the gargoyle spread his wings and took flight, headed not towards Ter Mur, but towards the Isle of Fire, and Hythloth. He would also on his way back to Ter Mur stop where the Minions of Scelestus were and enlist their help. They hated the residents of Ter Mur as much as the other Gargoyle Races did. They would be happy to help.
Landing at Hythloth, the messenger entered and searched for his brethren to give them the news.

Event: The Plea for Help

Date: July 14th

Time: 7pm pst/10pm est

Meet: Meet with Rhista at the steps leading into Ter Mur from the moongate.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Princess Rhista of Ter Mur leads mercenaries in defense of the Village.

Screenshots of the event.
