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[EM Fiction] The Festival Part 3: "Amazed." (Charlotte Christianson)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Festival: Amazed
EM Godiva

Lady Charlotte Christianson kept randomly pressing a series of “mysterious buttons” and dodging Minotaur until, after about an hour or so, she found her way into The Void Chamber. She was so awestruck by its beauty that she sat down and looked around for another hour before realizing that everyone else had left.

She stood up and made her way to The Void Core, pausing a moment before she peered into the swirling darkness. Charlotte was so mesmerized by The Void Core that it took her a moment to realize she could hear noise coming from The Void. Charlotte stood perfectly still, straining her ears to figure out what it was.

It sounded like…

Charlotte awoke on her bedroom floor, cold and confused. She wearily made her way back to the stage where The Labyrinth had been; but the door no longer existed.

Had it ever?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That reminds me of the time I passed out in the bathroom stall at the Altitude Sky Lounge in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego.

On second thought, I guess the two stories aren't all that related.