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[EM Fiction] The Festival: "Another Fall" and "How Bizarre." (Charlotte Christianson)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Festival: Another Fall
EM Godiva

Lady Charlotte Christianson sat quietly at her bazaar booth, listening to everyone around her calling out to the passersby. She clenched her jaw, already regretting her decision to reserve a stall. Charlotte looked to her right, where the Town Guards were set up.

“No wonder they are recruiting, if this is the best they have to offer.” she thought, wrinkling her nose at the cross-eyed one.

Charlotte looked to her left and tried to hide a frown when she saw Captain Jenkins sitting at The High Council booth.

“He is hardly a fitting representation for The High Council. Why is he not with the guards? They could certainly use the help.” she mused, looking back at Tias.

Charlotte was suddenly quite sorry that she had not taken any of her medicine to get her through the day. Still, she continued smiling politely and making excruciatingly painful small talk with the curious people who visited her stall. There was one eager recruit, who seemed to have a lot of potential, but only time would tell.

Not surprisingly, while enduring the masses, Charlotte’s headache had returned. She finally gave up on recruiting, leaving her booth vacant as she wandered off. She slipped behind a tree and looked around before taking a jar from her pack. Charlotte dipped her pinky in, retrieving a small amount of the sticky substance. She glanced around again, making sure no one was watching, and sucked on her finger until it was clean. Charlotte closed the jar and hid it in her pack again. She leaned against a tree, waiting.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] The Festival: "Another Fall" and "How Bizarre." (Charlotte Christianson

The Festival: How Bizarre
EM Godiva

Eventually, the familiar euphoria enveloped Lady Charlotte Christianson like a warm blanket on a snowy day. She made her way back to the bazaar and, with newfound amusement, decided to investigate the other booths.

WildStar was filling spell books.
Some crazy old man was telling fortunes through his various pets.
Another, younger and presumably sane, man was recruiting for his guild.
The goblin was selling ice cream. Ice cream! And it was strawberry!

Charlotte helped herself to a cone, thanking the tiny creature. By this point, she had to put effort into containing her giddiness. Next she came upon The Yattering, who was dispensing kisses. For some reason, Charlotte not only found this quite entertaining, but she was compelled to participate. The highly amused Charlotte leaned over and gave The Yattering a smooch. She would later regret this decision, of course, once her medicine had worn off.

Charlotte continued wandering around, eating her ice cream and talking to people. She resisted the urge to tap on Lance’s armor like a steel drum. It was so very temping that she had to excuse herself. She tried to toast marshmallows but she just kept lighting them on fire. Eventually Charlotte found her way to The Fall Harvest Queen’s makeshift kitchen. And there she found pie.

Pie! And it was Moonberry Pie!

The Fall Harvest Queen had agreed to make pie for anyone who brought her moonberries. A now highly motivated Charlotte wandered about, trying to convince everyone to come over and help The Fall Harvest Queen…so that she could have pie. Charlotte finally enlisted the Town Guards to help her, who proved to be quite useful.

Charlotte made up a little song in her head as she waited.

Pie! Pie! I love pie!
I want some pie!
I need some pie!
Pie! Pie! I love pie!
Especially when I am so high!

Instead of completing the quest herself, Charlotte charmed a moonberry from one of the onlookers and exchanged it for a pie, which she polished off while waiting for The Labyrinth to open.