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[EM Fiction] Origins: What About Me? (Charlotte Christianson)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What About Me?
EM Godiva

Twelve-year-old Charlotte Christianson looked sullen as her parents kissed her goodbye before rushing out. They did not seem to notice her sour disposition. That was not surprising since Edwin and Gwyneth were going to spend the evening at a soup kitchen. Charity always came first. Charlotte clenched her jaw, trying to remember the last time her parents had dinner with her. Aurora waited until they left to speak.

“I wonder why they bothered…” The Grand Duchess mused aloud.

“Why they bothered?” Charlotte asked, turning to face her grandmother.

Aurora sighed impatiently. “…to have a child. Clearly, you are unwanted.”

The two stared at each other for a long time before Charlotte finally got up the nerve to respond.

“Someone wants me.” she said defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

“It is so cute you believe that.” The Grand Duchess replied, patronizingly.
Charlotte glared up at her.

“If he is so fond of you…then why is he leaving?” Aurora asked.

Aurora was pleased as she watched her granddaughter run off to find Michael.