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[EM Fiction] Anskitas Artifacts Found


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anskitas Artifacts Found
EM Sangria

“Jeff this site is fantastic! These artifacts are Anskitas! Their capital city was Montor which of course you already know. So little is known about them…” Callie trailed off as she studied a design on one of the pottery shards.

Jeff chuckled. If Callie was this excited over pottery shards, he couldn’t wait to see how she was going to react to his next find. “I have something else to show you Callie. This way,” he gestured.

He took Callie to a covered area with some boxes. He opened one. There packed in straw were several Minotaur skulls made from stone.

“Ohhhh these are magnificent Jeff!” she exclaimed. “Are they all the same?”

“Yes.” Jeff told her their theory as to why, “we are pretty sure they were made here. We know there was a volcanic eruption and since we haven’t found any human remains, we assume they had prior warning and evacuated. Most likely when the people evacuated they decided not to take the statues. They are rather heavy.”

“We can learn so much about the Anskitas from these! Thank you for bringing me out here! I can’t wait to hear what you learn from them,” said Callie.


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i am anskitas too, that is me :]

the old ones are all dead tho, i do not think of any infermation you can get from such as stone skulls