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[EM Fiction] A Small Leather Book


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Small Leather Book
Author Unknown

While Magincians show remarkable advancements in the realm of seafaring, their inclination towards debauchery and chaos reveals them to be a primative people. To their credit, it was extremely difficulty to infiltrate their seemingly impenetrable social hierarchy. Fortunately, the Sea Witch is home to many loudmouths and drunks. It has been a veritable font of knowledge and it is currently where I conduct most of my research. Not surprisingly, I feel like I need a bath whenever I conclude my business with those animals.

The security surrounding the Royal Council of Britannia has likewise been breached. The women are mind-numbing cliches of self-centered nobles, primarily concerned with expensive clothes and trinkets. The men are grandstanding buffoons who confuse self-importance with actual leadership. Therefore it is my assertion that the council is comprised of simpletons and liberals, who turn a blind eye to the plague that is Magincia.