I got mod approval to re-open this subject in UHall for discussion. FYI the previous thread was removed to SnR due to some of the replies degenerating to rants (possibly even some of my own) so if we could try to keep this a discussion and not a rant or argument, it would be helpful.
Background: Some players, trying to support the events, made gold donations, unsolicited, for prizes for the last two EM events on Napa. The EM clearly stated that the prizes were donated, not provided by him. The prizes were in addition to the Hall Of Trophies, not in lieu of.
At the end of last nights event, moments after the prizes were given, but before we were able to go to the Hall Of Trophies for the trophy placing, Mesanna arrived and whisked the EM away to talk. Later in the evening we were advised that donations were no longer allowed.
This situation saddens us, as we did not mean to get our EM in trouble, and our only intent was to provide a little extra boost to the fun. Some people write off EM events now as being no fun with no prizes, and we had hoped to draw the people in so they could learn that the events themselves are fun (which they truly are!) There is the additional factor that the events in question happened in Fel, and making a possibility of earning back any lost insurance could help out a bit.
Many people responded last night, some with what they felt were good reasons for NOT allowing player donations, and some on the other side.
I would like to continue that discussion (in a civilized manner). What does everyone think about allowing player donations for prizes? If gold and high-end items are not acceptable, would smaller items like NPC quality items that are engraved by players be acceptable?
Background: Some players, trying to support the events, made gold donations, unsolicited, for prizes for the last two EM events on Napa. The EM clearly stated that the prizes were donated, not provided by him. The prizes were in addition to the Hall Of Trophies, not in lieu of.
At the end of last nights event, moments after the prizes were given, but before we were able to go to the Hall Of Trophies for the trophy placing, Mesanna arrived and whisked the EM away to talk. Later in the evening we were advised that donations were no longer allowed.
This situation saddens us, as we did not mean to get our EM in trouble, and our only intent was to provide a little extra boost to the fun. Some people write off EM events now as being no fun with no prizes, and we had hoped to draw the people in so they could learn that the events themselves are fun (which they truly are!) There is the additional factor that the events in question happened in Fel, and making a possibility of earning back any lost insurance could help out a bit.
Many people responded last night, some with what they felt were good reasons for NOT allowing player donations, and some on the other side.
I would like to continue that discussion (in a civilized manner). What does everyone think about allowing player donations for prizes? If gold and high-end items are not acceptable, would smaller items like NPC quality items that are engraved by players be acceptable?