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EM Events Atlantic and other Shards


Stratics Veteran
I visit quite a few shards for EM Events. I do not attend the events for items but rather I love the stories, RP, and builds. Almost all of the shards I visit have a quite an in depth RP story line along with a build they do twice a month. However, over time I have noticed that Atlantic does the bare minimum if you even want to call it that. Of the past few months of attending Atlantic events I have noticed they do absolutely no build at all and the RP.... well there is no RP. We go in hack and slash sitting in the same area for an hour then gated to the boss and that's it. Of the shards Atlantic is the largest and I assume that is why they have two EM's. Atlanic deserves better plain and simple. If one EM on another shard can create a area that goes along with a story and RP then why cant two EM's on Atlantic at least put fourth some sort of effort towards their events. I hope if they are getting paid they do not make no where near as much as those who really put fourth an effort for events.