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EM Event Writeup: Freeing the Cyclops



Here's a recap of tonight's EM event for those that want to read it, I didn't get any screenshots, so you'll have to use your imaginations if you weren't present. :)

Late yesterday evening, Queen Dawn addressed a gathering of citizens in Makoto-jima concerned about the recent battle waged in Ilshenar between the Juka and Titans. She inquired of her royal investigators for any new information, and while the reasons behind the Juka attack on the titans is still unknown, it is known that one surviving cyclops was captured by the Juka. Armed with this information, weapons, spells, and pets, the adventurers quickly set out for Mistas in search. The information the creature might possess would be extremely valuable to the investigation.

The party was assaulted by hordes of Juka warriors, mages, and elite dragoons as they first entered the great Juka city. Following those came Jukan Sentinels clad in extremely hard blue plate armor, but even still they stood little chance of victory. The captured cyclops was freed and led to Queen Dawn, who was waiting in Zento City.

The cyclops Ornok was extremely grateful for his rescue, and explained that he and his kin were captured from their village by titans, who in turn were killed by Juka. Ornok was only allowed to live to make armor and weapons for the Juka. He thanked Queen Dawn as she offered him a place to live in Britainnia, but refused stating he needed to rescue the others. He told them another caravan was behind the one that had been attacked near Honesty, and he wanted to free his brothers from the titans. Ornok was taken by surprise when the Queen offered to send the adventurers with him to help, but he agreed.

He lead them along the path taken by the titan caravans - around the mountain south of Valor and across the river. The party sighted the caravan on the southern edge of the Valor jungle, and with Ornok's help, succeeded in freeing all of the captured cyclops. Ornok then accompanied the group back to Zento's common area so he could speak with Queen Dawn again.

Queen Dawn had prepared a new proposal for Ornok while they were away and offered him some beautiful land near the Meer city of Lakeshire for his brethren to settle. As they had no home to return to, the giant cyclops agreed to use the land. In his gratitude for all the help provided to him and his kin, Ornok pledged to build a great Cyclops Stadium so that the citizens of Britannia could partake in the Cyclopian sport of Combat Crafting.

The Cyclops Stadium will be ready for opening in just over a week. Queen Dawn will issue a royal proclamation announcing the exact date and time. Please watch the Pacific EM Website, pacific.uoem.net, for more information.