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EM Event!! The Easter Bunnys Den!!

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm we've all seen that rascally rabbit jumping around dropping carrots.

Well, how about we find where he lives? Maybe, just maybe Cryus will start you on an adventure to find the Easter Bunnys Den?

Ask Cyrus about the news at 3:30 pst, April 4th.

There is a catch and those on the hunt will remind you... If you want a plain something....double click on Sunday the 4th....if you want a special color something...wait til Monday the 5th.

See you all out there on the Hunt for the Bunny!!

(side note) No shotguns please...no bunnies will be hurt during the course of this event. *grins*

EM Sangria

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By the way, if you happen to have a red or two or three, you are in luck! The Easter Bunny has left you a treat too. You will find it at the Fel Brit Crossroads.

Double click it today you get a plain something, double click it tomorrow you get a colored something. One per character.


I was finally able to get on and these are way cool. Thanks again EM's.

EM Sangria

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Colored baskets are here! Yes!!

You can get one at the Bunny's den in tram, Cyrus will you help you find that location - sort of.

You can also get one (if you dare) at the Fel Brit Crossroads.

Each magic egg will give one basket per character.


Salya Sin

Each magic egg will give one basket per character.
CRUDE! Gus of Llanowar told me this this evening and I meant to get it into the recap story! I completely spaced it by the time I finished writing it. Grrr..