On Sunday, January 16th, we will be hosting a Team PvP Tournament @ 2:00 p.m. PST/5:00 p.m. EST. Details and rules as follows:
1. Teams will consist of two players.
2. Registration can be done anytime up until 1:45 p.m. PST on Sunday by either dropping a book in the mailbox at the Fel PvP arena house or the Award Hall, or by bringing books to the EM's at the PvP Arena starting at 1:00 p.m. PST/4:00 p.m. EST. Books should contain the names of the characters on the team that will be competing.
3. Matches will be single elimination due to factions and stat loss.
4. Any match lasting longer than 15 minutes will go to sudden death at which time, no healing, curing, etc. will be allowed.
No Mounts/Pets/Summons
No hiding/Stealthing/Invis/InvisItems
No disarm
No E/Para/Poison fields
No conflag/explosion/invis potions
No Orange Petals
No giving of murder counts
No looting of corpses other than your own
No rez killing
Eagle Strike, Netherbolt and Bombard are not allowed due to being bugged
Miscellaneous Housekeeping Stuffs
A. You can access the PvP Arena via the vortex just off Buc's Den Moongate in Fel.
B. The Exit Vortex can be found in the open area east of the arena.
C. You must be transferred to the teleport tile to access the upper floors by one of the EM's. Please arrive on time as we cannot stop matches to bring you up.
WARNING: There is a white tile in the observation area. Please do not step on this tile unless you intend to leave.
D. No fighting is allowed inside the house except in the ring, by the teams, during a match. Anyone fighting or killing outside of a match will be immediately banned from the house and forfeit their standing in the match. This includes anyone rez killing contestants.
E. Anyone coming to watch is reminded, this is FEL. Do not bring anything that you cannot afford to lose. Insure or bless your items.
F. Should fighting start in the observation area, everyone not involved is asked to stay in their seats to facilitate our dealing with the offenders. Again, however, see Item D.
G. Anyone attending should disarm their weapons and remove any area spell macros. Alternately, place your spell books in a bag inside your backpack which should cut down on accidental casting.
We will do everything we can to help this event run smoothly. We hope to have this be the first of many more Fel events in 2011. However, your cooperation is needed.
Rules are subject to change if problems are encountered or someone can make a good case why something isn't fair/workable.
1. Teams will consist of two players.
2. Registration can be done anytime up until 1:45 p.m. PST on Sunday by either dropping a book in the mailbox at the Fel PvP arena house or the Award Hall, or by bringing books to the EM's at the PvP Arena starting at 1:00 p.m. PST/4:00 p.m. EST. Books should contain the names of the characters on the team that will be competing.
3. Matches will be single elimination due to factions and stat loss.
4. Any match lasting longer than 15 minutes will go to sudden death at which time, no healing, curing, etc. will be allowed.
No Mounts/Pets/Summons
No hiding/Stealthing/Invis/InvisItems
No disarm
No E/Para/Poison fields
No conflag/explosion/invis potions
No Orange Petals
No giving of murder counts
No looting of corpses other than your own
No rez killing
Eagle Strike, Netherbolt and Bombard are not allowed due to being bugged
Miscellaneous Housekeeping Stuffs
A. You can access the PvP Arena via the vortex just off Buc's Den Moongate in Fel.
B. The Exit Vortex can be found in the open area east of the arena.
C. You must be transferred to the teleport tile to access the upper floors by one of the EM's. Please arrive on time as we cannot stop matches to bring you up.
WARNING: There is a white tile in the observation area. Please do not step on this tile unless you intend to leave.
D. No fighting is allowed inside the house except in the ring, by the teams, during a match. Anyone fighting or killing outside of a match will be immediately banned from the house and forfeit their standing in the match. This includes anyone rez killing contestants.
E. Anyone coming to watch is reminded, this is FEL. Do not bring anything that you cannot afford to lose. Insure or bless your items.
F. Should fighting start in the observation area, everyone not involved is asked to stay in their seats to facilitate our dealing with the offenders. Again, however, see Item D.
G. Anyone attending should disarm their weapons and remove any area spell macros. Alternately, place your spell books in a bag inside your backpack which should cut down on accidental casting.
We will do everything we can to help this event run smoothly. We hope to have this be the first of many more Fel events in 2011. However, your cooperation is needed.
Rules are subject to change if problems are encountered or someone can make a good case why something isn't fair/workable.