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[Discussion] EM Event Sword Usage and Price Check

Padre Dante

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A couple years ago, I looted the sword shown in the picture off of an EM Event MOB. It is listed under Season 8 (2010) and the Chesapeake shard. I even have a small back story on it emailed to me by one of the Chessy EMs.

The discussion part of this thread is the question of what I could do with this sword. It is not very useful as it is other than for display purposes (it was previously in a display case but my house is currently under construction). I realize the in-game value of such an item could be tarnished if it were to be imbued, but in theory, it could become a really cool and rare weapon to bring out in battle that would be unlike any other. How sacrilegious would it be to imbue an EM Event item? If it weren't for sale and could be put to actual use?

Lastly, I am not much of a rares collector, and therefore I am very curious as to its estimated value. I believe it to be a one of a kind cutlass, rare in both name and color (I suspect). The fact that it can be equipped should only add to the value, IMHO. What does the rares community think?

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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Well im going to state my opinion. Honestly, imbuing it right now, atleast for me it would ruin the value because it takes away what was originally there. But to be perfectly honest, you can probably sell the sword, use the money to buy an awesome sword, one that would be good for pvm or pvp. And if you imbue it now, and decide to sell it later because in need of gold, it will be hard to sell as is because its an imbued rare. Many will disagree with my opinion, but that is all it is, an opinion.


I agree , I would view it as a decrease in price because it has taken away the originality of it. I am unsure as to a value on it though. I see alot of items from EM Events avg 50mill low end value and max end 150mill ? If I remember reading through the forums on various items. One of a kind , of course more than X amt created for said event.


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Well im going to state my opinion. Honestly, imbuing it right now, atleast for me it would ruin the value because it takes away what was originally there. But to be perfectly honest, you can probably sell the sword, use the money to buy an awesome sword, one that would be good for pvm or pvp. And if you imbue it now, and decide to sell it later because in need of gold, it will be hard to sell as is because its an imbued rare. Many will disagree with my opinion, but that is all it is, an opinion.
I doubt anyone will disagree with this.

The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
It's really hard to price this because of the ? in manti's list. Best case scenario is that someone will recall this event and give an approximate # of drops. Worse case no one knows and there could be lots of em. However in my opinion, looking at weapon drops during that time period on chessy, it's probably a 10 or under drop. If it's a 10 drop id say its probably close to 100m. If it's closer to 5 the value could go up to 150m or more depending on what someone is willing to pay (which in essence, is really how prices are determined... especially as of late.) I could be way off on my drop # estimate, in which case ignore this post :).

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Auction FTW!!!! hehe
Only one way to find out how much its worth... :)

Padre Dante

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for all the great replies. I am not surprised with the views on the main question, considering I came to the rares boards and am asking rares collectors! I'm not sure I have the... heart ...to get the sword imbued, as it's value will undoubtedly decrease. However, I don't think that will ever stop me from thinking about altering it to a have a one-of-a-kind functional weapon.

The sword was off of an EM created MOB (not a vending machine). My recollection is that there were two of these special MOBs - one a swordsman, and one an archer, IIRC. I always wondered if the archer dropped a similar bow... Also, I've wondered how Manticore didn't know how many there were when (a) I never originally told him about mine (I eventually sent him a message after he had listed it) and (b) most other EM Event items from Season 8 Chessy have counts.

Again, thanks for the replies. For now, it's not getting imbued. But I can't make any promises about the future!


Social Distancing Since '97
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Its not a good weapon to even have imbued as a cutlass' specials are not good in PvM or PvP. If you were to "use" it, it would most likely be for RP purposes, and in that case you might as well leave it as is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I will chime in for the none rares collector.

Personally I like my items to be functional, I am not one for pretty pixels, but I do enjoy using what I have. For example, I studied Archaeology at university and thus was overjoyed when I received an 'archaeologist pick' at an event on Atlantic. I did however swiftly lose interest in the item as it just sat in a box. Until one day when I imbued it up with sc and Mage weapon and put it on my mule. That way it was useful as well as interesting and thus for me it improved the item greatly.

Though, your item is deferent being that it is possibly unique, I would say it is up to you. Imbuing it will undoubtedly lower it's potential value, however this is only true if you are measuring value in a momentary sense. If you believe you will gain more from it as a functional or semi useful item, one that puts a smile on your face, then go for it.

Have you tried imbuing it though, There is a possibility that it is too old and you will be unable to imbue it, even if you decid too.


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Ps, you could even make a toon with maching Initials to make it extra special.