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EM event statue hand outs



I really like the idea of using this method for giving out items, but feel that it is too easily exploited by other shards and alternate characters to receive items that they don't deserve. I understand that everyone getting an item is not a bad thing, just don't feel that brand new chars from other shards should be able to get these items. Please find another way to give items out. After the event with a much shorter timer would be an easy fix. Although I am sure there are better ways.


Former Stratics Publisher
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Campaign Benefactor
I sat and counted about 40 people in 5 minutes go to that demon statue yesterday....


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One per character was too generous. One per account would have been better.


I like the idea of the statue hand outs, makes it a lot easier on the
players and the EMs. I personally do not care about the numerous chars
grabbing them as hopefully most people will know not to pay a whole lot
for them.
So, people will not be able to sell them for 5 mill a pop...oh they will try
but that doesn't mean they will sell.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The way I see it is the EM's are still dropping the really rare items on monsters and only the few people that are skillfull or lucky enough to get them are still rewarded as always. With the statues, they may not produce the most rare items or most saught after but it allows everyone to recieve a small momento from the event in addition. I love the idea, its great. I would like to see this sort of thing at every event. If your a rares collector then you just have to put these items in there place of value and understand that there not worth as much if your in the market.