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[EM Event] Searching For Clues


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Searching For Clues
EM Crysania

You can view the original thread here.

Jebediah breathed a sigh of relief after being given word that Murdock had been killed. The weight of guilt upon his shoulders eased at the words. At least that evil had been taken out of the realm.

He cradled the pieces of stone that had been found on Murdock at his death. Turning them from one side to the other, he could see the faint etching on the stone. He had no idea what the words were, or what they meant. But judging by the way the carvings lay it seemed they gave hint to something very important. Jebediah knew just who he would take these too..perhaps they could give them a hint into what they meant.

Carefully he placed the fragments in a leather pouch and headed out the door in search of One of the mages of Moonglow…

Event: Searching for Clues
Date: 8/25/12
Time: 7pm pst
Meet: Jebediah at Moonglow Bank Trammel
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Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, is Britain still at war with Moonglow? Did that even happen? Who is at war with whom? Don't you dare tell me there is no war. I don't want to live in a world without at least one war going on.