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EM Event - Safe Passage - July 25th 5pm PST


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Event : Safe Passage - A World Of Memories II
Date/Time : July 25th, Sunday 5:00pm PST
Place : Ankh Park, New Haven


Tobby will shortly arrive in Haven, Trammel after a long sea voyage from Malas. He is planning to make his last leg of the journey this coming Sunday eve at 5:00pm PST.

Due to the fragile state of the World Memory he carries, Tobby will not be using magic or moongates to help him traverse the lands. Instead he plans to sail clear across the waters to the mainland, and then travel by foot to the castle that will offer protection for the days to come. The waters of Britannia are known to be quite hostile indeed. Tobby will likely need some help in getting to his final destination in one piece.

If you'd like to help escort Tobby safely across the seas come meet him at Ankh Park, just inside the southern gates of Haven. Tobby has picked out an apple tree there in which he will rest until the Sunday eve of his departure for the mainland. Boats will also be useful, although it would best to sail together on fewer boats rather than everyone bringing their own.

- EM Tailspin