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[EM Event] Researching Mechanics


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Researching Mechanics
EM Crysania

Krett hurriedly packed his meager belongings. Tossing his valued tools and books in to his satchel, he rushed out the door. He looked around at the crushed mechanical beings that had been outside of the Lighthouse for days.With out the help of the people of Sosoria , he would have still been hidden inside of the Huge light fixture atop the lighthouse. Kicking at one of the mechanical minions in satisfaction, he let out a loud scream as it made a clunky whirling sound as it fell apart, and ran as fast as he could towards Trinsic to meet with Dupre.

Date: Friday 22nd, 2012

Time: 7pm PST/ 10pm EST

Where: West Britain Bank

Krett will need help in his research. At that time he will be in need of anything regarding metal and mechanics. IE: Ingots, krystals, clockwork assembly's. Use your creativity to bring Krett Materials you think he would need.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm going to bring food.

And then eat it in front of him.
