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EM Event - Re-Forging Memories - July 30th 6pm


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Event : Reforging Memories - A World Of Memories III
Date/Time : July 30th, Friday 6:00pm PST
Place : Chalnoth's Castle. A gate will be available from inside Luna, near the event announcer.


As per the plans laid at the meeting with Tobby earlier this week, we are going to try the following plan...
  1. Create some decoys of the World Memory the Bone Master seeks.
  2. Keep him busy with the decoys while we construct a safe building in which Tobby can work on the reading the real memory.

So first we will need those decoy memories.

This won't be an easy task as it appears the Bone Master can recognize world memories just as Tobby can. He won't be fooled by cheap imitations. Tobby has a plan though to create replica objects and transfer old useless memories from his collection in to these. Elizabeth was dispatched to Tobby's home to collect some of these memories as Tobby is a hunted tree. She will return this Friday eve. We will need to move fast as the Bone Master will surely be readying his next attack.

Tobby has forwarded the following information on what we will need to prepare for the crafting of these very difficult replica pieces. The following skills will be needed. The number of "*" indicates their workload in the crafting process. "*****" means you will be flatout plying you skills throughout the event.
  • Alchemy ***** (We will need at least one who has Stygian Abyss, but alchemists without it will still be very useful)
  • Mining *****
  • Lumberjack ****
  • Tinkering **
  • Carpentry *
  • Inscription *
  • Defenders & Hunters ***** (again some having Stygian Abyss will be useful, but not a requirement here)

A very intense night for all! :)

- EM Tailspin