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EM Event - Ongoing - The Art Of Distraction

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For those who might have missed the new post over on the EM forum ....

EM_Tailspin said:
Event : The Art Of Distraction - World Of Memories IV
Date/Time : Ongoing from Aug 4th.
Place : Trammel. (Locations involved listed below.)


The next part of our adventure takes us in to a more active situation.

Defending The Decoys

The memory replicas have been placed in defensive locations and will soon be discovered and set upon by the Bone Master. We must defend them as long as possible to buy ourselves enough time to construct a stronghold within which Tobby can work on reading the real memory artifact. Here are the locations of the two replica decoys.

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