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EM event: Nimrad News


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nimrad will be appearing at Serpents hold “Fisherman’s Brew” Bar located on their docks. He brings news of the potion he’s been working on to save his daughter and wishes to bring you to her. He wishes to remind everyone that the paths to get to where he is taking them can be a bit strange and dangerous for any traveler.

He wishes to see all the good souls that have helped him along the way Sunday September 20th at 9pm CST.

read it here: http://www.emquantum.com/LakeSuperior/


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event was nice. Some of the things I liked:
1) I liked meeting at the bar. I haven't been in there in a while and I was nice to re-visit and I loved how it was full of people hanging out! Nimrad was behind the bar counter, which gave him room to rave and rant and was easy to see. Great location!
2) The caves where this took place was very well decorated. I liked how it went from cave to cave. It felt like a secret lair and then the brigand quarters at the end.
3) I liked how there were healers at a previous cave.
4)Nimrad communicated very well.

1) We heard about potions that Nimrad wanted, but seemed the few that got them, didn't know what to do. Nimrad seemed upset by the ones that either drank them or tossed them out.
2) I would like to see some kind of incorporation of other classes of skills in these events. For example... a person with "stealing" should be able to steal something in that room like the ginsing root or the jars or the books. He should be able to loot those brigands for something interesting. A detective using forensics would discover a secret room. Something like that to bring non fighters. How cool would it have been to have 1 detective lead 40 players to one location and another detective/tracker lead another group to another spot. I'm not talking about a separate event, but to incorporate this in all events.
3)I didn't get to see how it ended. Didn't see Nimrad's daughter being saved. He just vanished.

All in all, I it was an amusing event. Thank you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In his defense, he did say from the start to "watch out for the potions they have stolen".