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[EM Event] Murder Mystery Solved: Truth is found in the Serum!

  • Thread starter Lord Exmortis
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lord Exmortis

We met at the Guard Hall in Serpents Hold that fateful evening. Daniel waited near the front. He had a very serious look on his face. That was an odd sight as Daniel always looked serious but tonight more so than ever. He began his monologue in a grave tone.

Today we have a difficult duty. We have arrested and laid charges against Lord Farriot. We need to have a trial .Lord Farriot is in custody at the Court of Truth in Yew. We will talk to some of the witnesses. Ask questions but only when called on to do so. I have brought all the evidence we gathered. It awaits at court. After the trial we will all vote on his guilt .I do have one last potion that we found when the shadow dweller was torturing the Chemist named Algenon. If we are not satisfied with how the evidence is explained, we may have to use it. It is a very powerful truth serum. So we must now go to the court.

As we walked toward the big front doors people were already passing judgment.

Miyah sang off with his head! And Ansatsu chanted - Hang him!

Inside, the sound of our shoes and boots echoes on the polished floor. Farriot sat alone on the defendant chair. It was time to begin.

Daniel Ravens looked solemnly at Farriot and asked in a very clear voice “Lord Farriot you are charged with the brutal slaying of Farley. How do you plead?

Lord Farriot stood and glared back. “This is ridiculous! Not guilty!”

“We will determine your guilt” stated Daniel Ravens

Lord Farriot’s nostrils flared as he spoke “All I did was help you. Point out who might have been guilty.”

Daniel Ravens spoke with a firm yet kind voice, “Yes very gingerly I will add. But now I ask you Farriot to go to the holding area so that you do not intimidate any of the witnesses.”

Farriot left quickly and silently with Cisco the Guards

Daniel Ravens informed each of the witnesses with their obligation and the penalty if they should not be honest. “If we determine that you are bearing false witness you will be tried for perjury and sent to prison.”

Here is a transcript of all I witnessed that evening.

l'il Min was the first to come to the stand. “This is an informal hearing right?”

Daniel Raven shook his head “no Min. This is formal .If we determine that you are bearing false witness we will have no choice but to put you in prison for perjury. Do you understand?”

l'il Min wrung her hands and nodded. “I will tell the truth as best as I can sir”

“Please state your name.” demanded Daniel

l'il Min: I am Min Rydeout

“Where were you the night Farley died?”

l'il Min: “I was at the Paddock. I always curry my own horse.”

Daniel Ravens: *nods*” Would anyone like to ask a question?”

Roach took out a parchment and quill and commenced to take notes.

Ansatsu: Did she see anyone with Farley?

l'il Min: No I was in the stable I was currying my horse. Colt saw me there. He made a comment about Tara arguing with Farley

Forrest: Was anyone else with you at the stables?

L’il Min: Colt can vouch for me. Yes He was there working.

Tetsuo: Was Farley known to be suicidal? And or taking anti depressants?

l'il Min: I honestly do not know. I am not a doctor.

Roach: What time of day were you at the stables?

L’il Min: Before dinner but after lunch. I had just trot my horse

Crixus: Kill all involved. That way ya know ya got the right one.

Queen Mum: Were you secretly in love with Farley?

Roach: good to know

l'il Min: WHAT? NO!!! : ewww!

Roach: hah

l'il Min: He was not a really good jockey

Queen Mum: *I think she protesteth to much.

SlaveIItheGame: Did Farley have any enemies?

l'il Min: I suppose Farley may have had enemies. I do not really know. He was always doing his own thing.

Tetsuo: I think this woman is lying!

Prof Cornelius: Did you hear anything unusual going on outside the stables?

l'il Min: there was a commotion, some arguing

Forrest: Who was fighting?

l'il Min: Colt came in and told me about Tara and Farley arguing.

SlaveIItheGame: Fighting about what?

l'il Min: I was too far away to hear. I was in the stable.

SlaveIItheGame: Colt didn’t tell you what they were arguing about? You didn’t ask?

l'il Min: No. Not sure if he knew.

Ansatsu: Did you see Farriot at the stables at all?

l'il Min: Not that evening but I have seen him at the stables before.

Thesus: Could someone have slipped item in the saddle bag without the lord knowing?

l'il Min: Slipped what?"

Thesus: Anything.

l'il Min: I doubt it. Farriot always kept his things close and he never let anyone close as he thought they were too valuable. He had everything initialed so no one would get his things mixed with theirs.

Thesus: So his bags where secured?

l'il Min nodded

Prof Cornelius: I'm curious if the animals seemed alarmed at the commotion going on.

l'il Min: Tara is very good with animals. She would calm them.

Daniel Ravens: Will you send in Colt please?

l'il Min: I wish I could be more help. I am glad you found the whip.


Daniel Ravens: *grumbles*: I'm not sure we learned anything new.

Thesus: Nope.

Miyah: I have a question, but it's not for Min.

Daniel Ravens: The others will be in one at a time - Colt then Tara.

Miyah: I want to know what sort of wounds were on Farley's corpse.

Prof Cornelius: Miyah, that's a good question.

Daniel Ravens: *nods* We know there were rope marks on his neck. We also know there was a large dent in the front of his helmet. He bled out from four holes in his abdomen that were spaced as the tines on the pitch fork we found at the scene. It's too bad we only have one truth serum.

Thesus: Think if he where arguing then the lord lost sight of his bags, maybe.

Miyah: What moron uses a weapon that has his initials on it? C'mon.

Daniel Ravens: Perhaps he did not mean to leave it at the scene. Perhaps he had not planned to use it at all.

Prof Cornelius: Miyah, excellent point.


Colt Walker: Hello Sir.

Daniel Ravens: Please state your name.

Colt Walker: I am Cauthrim Walker, they call me Colt

Daniel Ravens: Where were you the night Farley died?

Colt Walker: I was at the Paddock. Min was there too.

Daniel Ravens: Doing?

Colt Walker: Mucking stalls. It is my job.

Colt Walker: I swear Tara left the paddock before Farley did.

SlaveIItheGame: Is that your mempo on the table Colt?

Colt Walker: I do not wear a Mempo. No it is not mine.

SlaveIItheGame: Do you know whose it is? Have you ever seen anyone wearing it?

Colt Walker: No. *shakes head*

Thesus: What were you doing Colt at the time of the killing?

Roach: What were you doing at the stables and what time of day was it?

Colt Walker: I never left the Paddock. I was cleaning stalls and currying the horses - giving them oats. It was before dinner time. I have a lot of stalls to clean.

P s Y c H o: What did you and lil Min talk about when you spoke to her?

Colt Walker: I told Min that Tara had become angry. It was odd, Tara never gets angry. I told Min Tara pushed Farriot and Farriot laughed at her. Tara had a job in Skara so she left. Farley left with a man.

SlaveIItheGame: What did they argue about?

Colt Walker: I could not hear from the stall and I was working.

Ansatsu: What did the other man look like?

Colt Walker: He was big - looked strong.

Miyah: Does Farriot look wimpy and pathetic?

Colt Walker: LORD Farriot? NO! He is not wimpy. He is way too big to be a race jockey.

Thesus: Were you ever near the lord's horse?

Colt Walker: Ever?

Thesus: Yes.

Colt Walker: Yes, but not the night Farley died.

Tetsuo: Do you believe Farriot had any motive to harm Farley?

Colt Walker: * shrug* They seemed to be friends but Farriot bet a lot who knows.

Forrest: Why was Tara angry?

Colt Walker: I do not know. She went to her appointment in Skara right after the argument. Things were busy. She never came back to the paddock; then she went to jail.

Miyah: Appointment?

Colt Walker: She was asked to calm horses in Skara. Isn't that where you first found her?

Daniel Ravens: Thank you Colt


Daniel Ravens: Anything new? *pats truth serum* We are going to get to the bottom of this tonight!

Ansatsu: There’s the shopper!


Daniel Ravens: Please state your name.

Xarra: I am Xarra Xawon.

Daniel Ravens: Where were you the night Farley died?

Xarra: I was at the track. *shivers and tears up*

SlaveIItheGame: Do you know whose mempo that is?

Xarra: I am so afraid, *stares* that was the one that was on the man.

SlaveIItheGame: What man?

Xarra: The one who pulled Farley down, the bad man.

Ansatsu: Did you see Farriot that evening?

Xarra: I do not know. I saw a big strong man. It might have been but I did not see his face. *points* He was wearing a hood and Mempo.

Forrest: What were you fighting with Farley about?

Xarra: *gags* He. I wasn’t I was at the Track. You have me confused with Tara. I am Xarra.

Daniel Ravens: Forrest?

Forrest: Was there anything between you and Farley

Xarra: We were to be married so yes I think there was.

Miyah: He did it to make you angry.

Xarra: Harold the announcer at the track told me that Farley did not plan to marry me. That he was moving. He told me that Farley planned to leave me. That did upset me.

Harold and I were at the race and we heard a noise. I turned and saw my Farley fall from the horse. I thought I saw a snake leap from his throat so I started toward him. Then we saw the man take out a pitchfork and the big man stuck a fork in him. Harold told me to hurry to Marrianne’s and get the guards to help. I ran there. I told her there was a problem at the track then the big man came in. He said we had a choice - die like Farley or take some money and keep our mouth shut. I like to shop so I took the money. It is better than a fork in the stomach I think.

Thesus: Is the lord a big man?

Xarra: Yes he is a big man. You saw him. He would never be a race jockey.

Forrest: What was the big man wearing?

Xarra: A blue hood and a Mempo.

Medea: Xarra I do not believe you. You lie!

SlaveIItheGame: Where is the big man now??

Xarra: *bows head* I do not know. I thought you caught him. *gets panicky* Please, tell me you caught him or he will kill us.

SlaveIItheGame: *shakes head*

Daniel Ravens: That's what we are here to decide tonight

Miyah: Wait a minute... his face was covered, and he paid you to keep quiet?

Xarra: Yes

Miyah: That doesn't make any sense.

Xarra: Miyah, he gave us money. He had a squeaky voice like he was disguising it. He said he would kill Harold, Marrianne and me.

Medea: Xarra u r not reliable.

Xarra: You are right Medea, I am not. I am also very scared and I miss Farley. I am mixed up.

Thesus: Think she said enough Daniel she is just talking in circles.

Xarra: ok.


Daniel Ravens: How much of that can we believe?

Ansatsu: She’s a woman, so, none of it.

SlaveIItheGame: She seemed pretty upset. And she just had been shopping a lot.

Daniel Ravens: New gloves.

Miyah: Nobody shops and is upset.

SlaveIItheGame: Sure they do.

Daniel Ravens: Especially with him leaving her.


Daniel Ravens: Please state your name.

Tara Vegan: Hello Sir, Tara Vegan.

Medea: Now Tara is vegan and wearing leather.

Tara Vegan: *nod* I am Vegan. *looks down* Oh I thought this was velvet.

Daniel Ravens: *clears throat* Focus Tara.

Medea: That’s crazy.

Medea: Vegans do not wear leather.

Daniel Ravens: Where were you the night Farley died?

Tara Vegan. I was at the Paddock at first and spoke to Farley. Then I went to a job in Skara Brae.

Ansatsu: Did you fight with Farley?

Tara Vegan: *lowers head* Yes. Most of you know I did.

Ansatsu: What about?

Tara Vegan: I am so very ashamed. I pushed Farley, that was so wrong,

Medea: Did he fall on a pike?

Tara Vegan: *frown* No! He bumped his head on a pole though.

Forrest: Do you like whips?

Tara Vegan: No Forrest I loathe whips.

Thesus: What you two talking about?

Tara Vegan: We were talking about his business with Farriot; the Burger shacks. I asked about the old horses.

SlaveIItheGame: How do u feel about Farriot? He kills foxes for fun.

Medea: Do did he kill the horses?

Tara Vegan: I asked him that and he laughed then said yes. He said he was going to eat my horses. I pushed him. I pushed his left shoulder as I am right handed. He laughed at me.

Medea: When he hit his head did he black out?

Tara Vegan: No he was laughing and saying I was such a wee girl. He told me to lift weights.

SlaveIItheGame: Do you know the "big man"?

Tara Vegan: I saw no big man.

Ansatsu: Have you seen anyone wearing a mempo?

Tara Vegan: Anyone? Ever? Yes.

Ansatsu: How about one talking to Farley?

Tara Vegan: NO.

Tetsuo: Were you ever intimate with either Farley or Farriot?

Tara Vegan: Ewww Farriot is a big overweight man. Farley was dating Xarra .We rode together. I enjoyed riding with him but it was more because I calmed his horse down.

Charly Dont Surf: Do you have a nickname Tara?

Tara Vegan: I do not know of a nickname.

Queen Mum: Do you think Cayne could have done this to protect his bet money?

Tara Vegan: Cayne? I doubt it. Cayne did not put high stakes on Farley once he won all the time.

Ansatsu: Do you think Farriot is a big Man?

Tara Vegan: Oh yes he is big he is rich and eats a lot.

Daniel Ravens: Thank you Tara.


Daniel Ravens: Ok that leaves us with Harold, Cayne, and Marrianne and of course Farriot.

*sigh* So many - but we are getting there.


Daniel Ravens: Please state your name.

Marrianne: Hello Mr Ravens. I am Marrianne.

Daniel Ravens: Where were you the night Farley died?

Marrianne: I was in my house, just north of the track. I was cooking, preparing for dinner.

Ansatsu: How did you find out about Farley’s death?

Marrianne: Xarra came running in. She was very scared. She said a big man pulled Farley off his horse and stabbed him.

Ansatsu: Was she alone?

Marrianne: Yes.

Ansatsu: Did you see a big man?

Marrianne: The big man barged into my home. He did not knock. He threatened us, and then offered us money to keep quiet. The big man said I could take money and keep my mouth shut or die like Farley.

Forrest: Did you take money?

Marrianne: *lowers head* I did.

Forrest: Why did you take the money instead of running for help?

Marrianne: I did not want to have a pitch fork put through me.

Medea: How did u know it was a pitchfork?

Marrianne: He would kill us the way he killed Farley, the big man said.

Miyah: How much money are we talking about here?

Marrianne: Does not matter.

Miyah: Sure it does. I want to know if the man was rich, like a Lord, or not.

Marrianne: about 100 000 gps.

Miyah: Wow! That's rich.

Medea: Who were u cooking for and what were you cooking?

Marrianne: I was making dinner. I do not remember probably stew.

SlaveIItheGame: Did the big man resemble Farriot?

P s Y c H o: Was the big man wearing a mask?

Marrianne: He was wearing a mempo and hood. *points* Exactly like those.

Ansatsu: Do you think Farriot is the same size as the man in your house?

Marrianne: About – yes.

Miyah: I want to know if the man was rich, like a Lord, or not.

Daniel Ravens: That was a good question about the money. But she did have a good point, it was better than a pitchfork.

Ansatsu: Money...Pitchfork. Yea I take the money.

Daniel Ravens: We'll question Farriot last.

Daniel Ravens: And if we need we have the serum.


Daniel Ravens: Please state your name.

Harold Chansero: Good day sir. I am Harold Chansero.

Daniel Ravens: Where were you the night Farley died?

Harold Chansero: I was at the track. Xarra was with me.

Tetsuo: Are you intimately involved with Xarra?

Harold Chansero: No, but I wish I was.

Tetsuo: I heard that.

Harold Chansero: We saw Farley riding with a big man who pulled him off his horse. At first we were thinking it was an accident but not sure. We heard some yelling but were too far to make it out. Then we saw the pitchfork. *shivers*

Medea: When did u see he had died?

Harold: When the fork went into his stomach. St..st..stabbed him - blood spewed. I yelled to Xarra to hurry to Marianne’s.

Tetsuo: Was he FAT big...or STRONG big?

Ansatsu: Were you Jealous that Xarra preferred Farley instead of you?

Harold Chansero: I really liked Xarra.

Tetsuo: Was this man big as in FAT...or big as in STRONG?

Harold Chansero: A bit of both I think.

SlaveIItheGame: Can you tell us ANYTHING about this "big man"?

Harold Chansero: He wore a Mempo and a hood.

Medea: How did Tara manage to push him over if he was big and strong?

Harold Chansero: He was very strong but Tara pushed Farley not the big man. Farley is a Jockey. Not as big as other men. Farley did not fall over from what I have heard.

Harold Chansero: He knew where Marrianne lived as he ran there after he heard me say to Xarra to go there. He knocked me down and told me he would kill Xarra if I said anything.

P s Y c H o: So he was in your circle of friends?

Harold Chansero: Hmm how odd. It just occurred to me he knew Xarra's name.

Forrest: How did he know where she lived?

Forrest: If you didn't know who it was.

Harold Chansero: Yes how did he know? He must have known us.

SlaveIItheGame: Perhaps Xarra hired him to kill Farley.

Harold Chansero: Why, Xarra loved Farley?

Harold Chansero: Well he knocked me down.

Medea: Tara knocked him down.

Harold Chansero: Tara could not knock Farley over even though Farley is a small man.

Tara was not there. Tara had gone to Skara after arguing with Farley before Farley went on his ride.

Daniel Ravens: Bring in Farriot.

Harold Chansero: Yes sir.


Daniel Ravens: Ok lets get to the bottom of this.

SlaveIItheGame: Farriot knows what happened.

Daniel Ravens: *can't wait to get him up here*

Lord Farriot: There, am I free to go now?

Miyah: That's not good enough.

SlaveIItheGame: Lord Farriot - L.F.

Lord Farriot: That is me. All my things have my initials to keep people from stealing them.

Daniel Ravens: Do you still claim to be not guilty of killing?

Lord Farriot: I am not guilty. Farley was my partner.

Daniel Ravens: Would you say that if we gave you truth serum?

Lord Farriot: *smirk* No such thing as truth serum.

Daniel Ravens: I have some here. Made by an associate I once had.

Lord Farriot: well: I have a ‘erm ‘problem with some fluids.

Daniel Ravens: *waits*

Lord Farriot: Gives me hives.

Daniel Ravens: So you would refuse to take a truth serum?

Lord Farriot: I will tell the truth. I am a lord.

Daniel Ravens: What shall we do? Should he take the serum?

Roach: Bake it, solidify it.

SlaveIItheGame: Make him take it.

Thesus: Hives is better than dying, Milord.

SlaveIItheGame: Refusal = jail.

Miyah: Are you sure it's truth serum? Where did you get it?

Daniel Ravens: Yes Miyah I am sure. It was made by an old acquaintance of mine, a very talented Alchemist.

Daniel Ravens: Should he take it?

Ansatsu: Take it. Everyone lies.

Tetsuo: Make him take it...if he doesn’t break out he’s lied.

Moxxi: I think he should explain those fancy clothes he's sporting.
Lord Farriot: I am a Lord. I like argyle.

Daniel Ravens: Yes or no!

Cuttles: Yes.

Moxxi: Yes he should drink it.

SlaveIItheGame: YES.

Thesus: Yes.

Daniel Ravens: I say take it. They say take it.

Medea: He is innocent.

Daniel Ravens: Now drink.

Lord Farriot: *hic*

Miyah: He's gonna barf.

Moxxi: Drink!

Lord Farriot: Oh this is awful.

Lord Farriot: *spits*

Daniel Ravens: Side effects.

Daniel Ravens: Now did you Kill Farley?

Lord Farriot: *burp* *is embarrassed*

Daniel Ravens: Focus Farriot. Now did you Kill Farley?

Lord Farriot: Did I kill Farley? *thinks out loud - Technically it was the whip around his neck…hmm…I pulled him off with the whip around his neck * Not really, no.

Daniel Ravens: Did you help this to happen?

Lord Farriot: Help? Hmm, no I did not help. Help is not the right word. *thinks out loud again - seems to be weighing his answers in his hands - Not really help, instigate, maybe.*

SlaveIItheGame: Did you put the whip around Farley’s neck?

Daniel Ravens: Where you there and did you witness his fall?

Lord Farriot: Not witness.

Queen Mum: Do you know who actually stabbed Farley?

Lord Farriot Yes I do know, and I did see it. Yes! Yes!!

Daniel Ravens: What did you do when you saw him fall?

Lord Farriot: Oh when he fell from the saddle, I jumped off my horse.

Lord Farriot: *feels he goofed*

Daniel Ravens: Did you call for a healer?

Lord Farriot: *covers mouth*

SlaveIItheGame: Did you stab him with the pitch fork?

Lord Farriot: *stares and tries hard not to answer but feels compelled too*

Lord Farriot: Yes.

Tetsuo: Were you wearing that mempo the day Farley died?

Lord Farriot: *thinks aloud - It may not have been that exact mempo.*

SlaveIItheGame: *GASPS*

Ansatsu: GUILTY!


Jocelyn: *facepalm*

SlaveIItheGame: GUILTY!

Daniel Ravens: *points to the blood stained Mempo*

Daniel Ravens: Is that yours?

Lord Farriot: *looks*

Lord Farriot: *thinks it might not be - he bought his off the rack* Could be.

SlaveIItheGame: Off with his head!!

Lord Farriot: Oh I like my head.

Ansatsu: Do you know where Marrianne lives?

Lord Farriot: I have been there. I knew her husband.

SlaveIItheGame: What was your motivation to kill Farley?

Lord Farriot: Farley was leaving Trammel. He was taking my burger business elsewhere and he took all my meat supply. Without Farley I had no horse meat. He would not bend on it.

SlaveIItheGame: Farriot has admitted to killing Farley!

Forrest: Who hired you to kill Farley?

Lord Farriot: Hired? No one, Farley stiffed me.

SlaveIItheGame: Business deal gone bad?

Lord Farriot: I invested millions in that. He deserved to die, little fox that he was.

SlaveIItheGame: You DO like to kill fox - DONT YOU?

Lord Farriot: Oh, *smile* yes, I hunt foxes in Tokuno all the time.

Ansatsu: Did you give money to Xarra and the others the day Farley was murdered?

Lord Farriot: Just the little gold diggers.

Lord Farriot: That potion is not truth serum.

Queen Mum: Is Tokuno a good place to buy a mempo or a hood?

Lord Farriot: Yes it is, can get some nice ones there. It has many fine shops with Mempos and hoods.

SlaveIItheGame: We have the killer, the motive, the location and the weapon. I think this case is closed.

Thesus: Was Farley killed in self defense?

Lord Farriot: Hahahahahaha!! Like the pip squeak could hurt me – hahahahaha!!!

Daniel Ravens: All those who find Farriot guilty stand to the right.

Ansatsu: Guilty!

Daniel Ravens: All those who find Farriot innocent stand to the left.

Lord Farriot: Help me escape and I will reward you.

Thesus: You dug your grave.

Daniel Ravens: GUILTY: We have decided!

We have no King or Queen to see over this trial. The law says that Death is the punishment for Murder. Therefore we sentence you to the Guillotine.

Lord Farriot: Now hold on, if I die I will lose an important part of my life. I am a Lord.

Daniel Ravens: Come with us.

SlaveIItheGame: dun dun dun

Katrina: My, my, my, and his head gonna come off – finally!!

Daniel Ravens: It's time.

Lord Farriot: That looks sharp.

SlaveIItheGame: I got his torso!!

Daniel Ravens: And he's dead: I need to have everyone return to the Court of Truth one last time to do a final Inspection of all the evidence.

As we inspected the evidence for a final time someone in the group announced that they had double clicked Farley’s whip and received a duplicate in their backpack for solving the crime. So everyone in attendance did likewise and enjoyed receiving a reward for their efforts. At the end a flash of blue light appeared followed by an explosion of fire and Farley’s whip vanished right before our eyes!!

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~Shadow Riter
