*A note written in fine script has been attached to the notice*
To Whom it may concern,
I have been informed from my dear sister, Athenas Morte, that there was an incident last week that had acquired her attention, in this action she was wounded in the vicinity of Skara Brae, luckily she was saved from mortal injury by a gentleman called Irvyn and another gentleman she remarked was a Templar by the cut of his clothing. Nathan also managed to save her from a fatal wound and bound that injury closed before she had passed over to death, so I am indebted to all these gentlemen. While she had scouted around later that evening her wounds unfortunately took their toll that even her blessed magic’s cannot solve and she is resting up. Upon hearing her tale I have taken it upon myself to come in her stead, I am versed in all the happenings from last week.
Your Servant,