I enjoyed the Event - Though there was some chaos - but that was created
by the players - i wont blame the environment.
We were aware that we possibly would go into the sewers right from the beginning
and the environment was not the problem i think. Might hgave been a little challenge
though - e.g. i prefered to go there unmounted - gives me better navigation
The number of corpses were the result of the number of players - more mobs for
more players if youre dealing with orcs
- to find my corpse i use 'show all names'
and with that it hadent been a problem (classic client).
What did get us in troubble was indeed a lack of cooperation - but thats another
thing the players are responsible for (and i absolutely include me here) - i think
even a EM could hope for a bit independant player-selfcoordination
The Event itself was quite simple and was done successfully, no?
- Go into sewers
- kill orks, find elders, find clues
- find BigBob, kill him (?)
The Info that was found in that Letter/Report is indeed very interesting and
is leading the story onwards - so my impression of the event, including some
deaths, is positive - was a slaughter event and not a parade - and the
slaughter was on both sides
My thanks go to Aaron Swordmaster, Bunny, Shadow, Illijan, Flame and many
more for the help, the guide and the patience and ofc. to the EM(s)