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EM Event - July 3rd - Castle Commotion & Fire Cracker Night


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Stratics Legend

It's all happening this Friday and Saturday folks!

Friday 2nd July (6:50 PST) - Blood League
On Friday we are holding our very first Blood League tournament in Felucca. Check out the official announcement here: (Linky), for all the details on how to enter.
This event is a great chance for first time PvPers as it should be a little more stable than your average Felucca event.

Then on Saturday we have a very full evening...

Saturday 3rd July
(7:00 PST) - Britain Castle

Something is going on at Britain Castle! Royal servants and guards alike have been whispering in taverns that Queen Dawn is in an especially vexed mood. The target of her anger.. the very walls of the castle itself! She has been ordering workers to demolish sections of throne room all week, but they have had little success against the old stone. This may soon change however. Just this morning expert masons have arrived from distant lands to assist in the task. What could be the cause of all this commotion? Head on over to the Britain Castle at 7:00pm PST to find out.

(8:00pm PST) - Fire Cracker Night
Following the happenings at Britain Castle we will hold the "Fire Cracker Night" celebration at the fairground outside of Luna's south gate. The action will start at 8:00pm PST with a Fire Cracker hunt. Be sure to bring a fast mount and some good monster spank'n gear.

- EM Tailspin

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Thank you for the fun! I hope you all don't mind some of us Chesapeake people kinda popped in uninvited *Grins* Great fireworks ending.
