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EM Event - Forge Wars - June 5th, 7pm


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
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Stratics Legend
EM Event : Forge Wars
Date : Saturday, June 5th, 7:00pm PST.
Place : Gathering at Trinsic Docks For Team Registration.

Pacfic EM Events Site : http://pacific.uoem.net/

About This Event (OOC)

What the... !?

Somebody buy this guy a pencil!

Right, well yeah! What he said.

...or whatever he said.

I'm sure you all understood it. I know I did! rolleyes:

This one is a PvM event, but it will also be a competition between teams. It is likely to be very intense and deadly. In the end you'll need good communication and tactics to come out on top.

Spectators are very welcome of course, there will be stands for you guys. But why not give it shot? You never know, you might have a blast. As mentioned last week, this is a trial run so places are limited. However we do have room for 40 players (10 teams) on the floor so there will probably be room to spare.

Teams be sure to get to Trinsic Docks by registration opening time at 7:00pm PST. We will have to go on a first come basis if we get more than ten teams.

Again I'd like to ask for a scholar to come along and record the events. Poor Joy got roped in to it at the last minute for the prologue event. Although she did do an excellent job with the write up (thanks Joy!). Anyone feel like hunting down our MIA reporters, or perhaps taking up the quill themselves?

To recap on the information released last week...

To participate in "Forge Wars" on June 5th you will need the following.
- A team of up to four players. Having less than four will put you at a severe disadvantage. If you have trouble filling your team, try your luck with a forum post or perhaps seek out solo players on the night.
- Your team must have GM or better Blacksmith and GM or better Mining. These two skills may be on separate players. The rest of the skills are open, but you will need good firepower and tactical co-operation.
- For team registration on the night, please prepare an in-game book with your member's names listed on the first page. Your blacksmith should be listed first.
- You may wear any equipment you wish, excepting bracelets of binding or other summoning items.
- All members must have empty backpacks with the exception of spellbooks. All other items must be equipped.
- No pets or mounts will be allowed, this includes ethereal types. (My apologies to tamers. I'll make it up to ya!)

Note : A general combat resource kit will be supplied at the event. It contains regents, bandages, and a tithing stone. (The contents of the kit are open for discussion)

Finally I wanted to say thank you for your excellent participation in the prologue last week. This week, if things go smooth and you guys have a good time, I'm hoping we can turn it in to something regular, perhaps doing one every other month. Also we can easily modify it for other crafting professions.
I know Ornok would be in to it!

See you on Trinsic docks guys. :)

- EM Tailspin

NOTE: Changed the rules so you are now allowed to bring spellbooks along inside your pack. I are such a nice guy :D


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Just a quick update on some information.

All spellbooks are allowed to be held in your pack when you enter the event. You'll be asked to remove them once during registration, but yes you can take these in with you and they don't need to be euipped. :)

Let me know if there are other things that should be allowed in guys!

EM Tailspin