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EM Event - Forge Wars Carpentry - July 17th


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EM Event : Forge Wars
Date : Saturday, July 17th, 7:00pm PST.
Place : Gathering at Trinsic Docks for Team Registration.

Pacific EM Events Site : http://pacific.uoem.net/

I got another one of these rocks in the mail today. I wouldn't mind so much if he wouldn't send them to me collect postage. Do you have any idea how much it costs to FedEx forty pounds of granite from Sosaria to the real world? :sad3:

We are hoping to get a few more teams this round. I think we only had four teams at the first Forge Wars. So please don't be shy in giving it a go.
If you are having trouble finding a team send a message or two bouncing around the forums, or over chat on the night. Especially crafters, last time we had one or two teams that wanted to go but couldn't find a crafter. You guys are in high demand. ;)

The entry requirements are similar to first round, with a few minor changes.

To participate in "Forge Wars" on July 17th you will need the following.
  • A team of up to four players. Having less than four will put you at a disadvantage but is allowed. If you have trouble filling your team, try your luck with a forum post or perhaps seek out solo players on the night.
  • Your team must have a GM Carpenter with at least 50 points in magery.
  • For team registration on the night, please prepare an in-game book with your member's names listed on the first page. Your carpenter should be listed first.
  • You may wear any equipment you wish, excepting bracelets of binding or other summoning items.
  • All members must have empty backpacks with the exception of spellbooks and rune books. All other items must be equipped.
  • No pets or mounts will be allowed, this includes ethereal types.
Note : A general combat resource kit will be supplied at the event. It contains regents, bandages, and assorted required tools.

Good luck everyone!

- EM Tailspin


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please note the change in date. My callendar was playing silly buggers on me yesterday and switched all the numbers around.

The event is on Saturday 17th at 7:00pm PST.

Sorry for the mix up :)

- EM Tailspin