DATE: Sunday 14th August 2011
TIME: 8pm UK, 9pm CEST, 3pm EDT, 11pm MSK
LOCATION: Counsellor's Hall in Britain, Trammel
PLEASE NOTE - there was a mistake in the title of this event, originally read RP event NOW it reads OOC event which is what it should have been all along.
CALLING owners of rune libraries, book libraries, museums and other useful player owned houses. We would like to lock down runes to player owned houses at the EM Museum so if you have a library or whatnot please bring a rune along.
[I would also like to run a few evenings with the owners of these houses who can tell us about their collections and publicize them as the owners have put in a LOT of hard work to make these collections]
Source: Europa EM Museum Opening [OOC Event]
TIME: 8pm UK, 9pm CEST, 3pm EDT, 11pm MSK
LOCATION: Counsellor's Hall in Britain, Trammel
PLEASE NOTE - there was a mistake in the title of this event, originally read RP event NOW it reads OOC event which is what it should have been all along.
CALLING owners of rune libraries, book libraries, museums and other useful player owned houses. We would like to lock down runes to player owned houses at the EM Museum so if you have a library or whatnot please bring a rune along.
[I would also like to run a few evenings with the owners of these houses who can tell us about their collections and publicize them as the owners have put in a LOT of hard work to make these collections]
Source: Europa EM Museum Opening [OOC Event]