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EM-Event - Dragon Lords 1 - July 7th AM


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

We've had good attendance to our Breakfast Safari every Wednesday. So I'd like to so some events in the time slot, starting with this week.

Event: Dragon Lords - Episode 1
Date/Time : July 7th, Wednesday 6:00am PST, Gate available from Luna bank.
Place : Gathering at The Marsh Hall, Vesper.

This event might be a little different than the prime time events. We will likely have a small group so the event will be geared more like an interactive RP quest. We will form an adventuring party before we depart and you'll need to work together to complete the challenges.

There are no uber rewards planned for this event, this one is all about the adventure.

It may be difficult to join the group if you come extremely late as they will be moving around the countryside, and I will most likely be with them at all times. We won't be departing straight away however, we will still have a short breakfast and chat from 6:00. The information in this chat will be important, so I wouldn't recommend missing it if possible.

Look forward to seeing you there! :)

-EM Tailspin