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EM Event - Blood League - Felucca - July 2nd


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Event : Blood League
Date : July 2nd. Registration 6:50- 7:20pm PST. Matches start from 7:30pm PST.
Place : EM Hall, Britain, Felucca

We are moving forward with the Blood League PvP event this Friday! :)

This is a PvP team tournament with three players per team. It uses a round-robin style set up, with teams scoring points for victories. Each match is themed. The theme is randomly drawn from one of the five themes available (Mortal Relay, Squishy Sphinx, Best Of Three, Stone Haul, Twin Treasures).

To enter this event you will need :
  • A team of three combatants.
  • A book titled with your team name, and listing your team members on the first page. The first name will be your teams main contact.
  • 2 x recall runes marked to a secure location where you would like to be picked up before your matches.
The only rule is no dragons or other huge pets. Their size will cause too many problems in the enclosures. Smaller pets and mounts are fine.

We'll use a match schedule dependant on the number of teams we get. If we get a lot the event may even be spread over two nights, with the second installment happening at the same time next week on the 9th.
Everyone will be given a copy of the schedule and each match will be given a time slot. So you won't need to stick around waiting for other matches to finish. You can go do your thing elsewhere and then go to your pick-up location when your match is coming up. The entire event will run about 2-3 hours.

You may be able to form teams on the night, but it is recommended you don't wait that long. We do have a limit on the number of teams we can handle so best to be in first. So talk to guildies and friends during the week. The more the merrier. Don't forget to tell your enemies too. ;)

I'd also like to encourage Trammel players to give this one a go. There are a lot mechanisms in place to prevent it from becoming a PK brawl. It's a chance to try some PvP on steady ground. Who knows, you may be good at it.

Here is a bit of info on the match themes...
(A huge thank you to the players who helped us test these last week!)

1. Mortal Relay
Teams compete simultaneously to complete a three lap relay around the track in opposite directions. Red team runs clockwise, Blue runs anti-clockwise. Both teams begin in their holding cells. The EMs transfer the runners out as each previous runner completes their lap. To complete a lap successfully the runner must be alive when they pass through their finish-line door. Once they have finished their lap competitors are free to interfere with the other teams runner. First team to complete all three laps wins.

2. Squishy Sphinx
Two sphinx hued to match the teams Red and Blue, are placed at opposite ends of the match area. Each team must protect their sphinx. The first team to kill the other's sphinx is the winner.

3. Best Of Three
Three duels between the three team members from each team. Before the match the team leader writes the order they will fight in a book and hands it to the EM. The EM calls each fighter for the three duels in to the dueling pit. Winner is the best of three.

4. Stone Haul
Each team has a three-tile lock-down station at opposite ends of the room. Heavy stones appear one at a time in the middle of the room. Each team must try to haul the stones to their station and place it on an open tile. The EM will then lock the stone in place. Then after 30 seconds another stone will appear in the middle. The first team to get stones locked on all three tiles wins.

5. Twin Treasures
The two teams compete to be the fastest to complete a contained T-map. Both maps are done simultaneously and are in the same enclosure. Each team's chest and spawn are hued for their color, red and blue. The chest must be emptied and all spawn killed to win.

Hope to see many of you there!

EM Tailspin